- Morrowind
- Oblivion
- Fallout 3 (but removed since NV)
- Fallout NV
....which all play very well on my WinXP SP3 rig.
But ever since I made the BIG mistake of loading the Lonesome Road DLC, Fallout NV became unplayable. Numerous crashes to desktop on entering buildings, etc, even the store at Good Springs at the start :angry:
I did find a fix. I removed ALL DLCs by deselecting the data files then moved the esm, bsa, and NAM files to a backup folder. Essentially went back to the basic Fallout NV.
Now I can play Fallout NV with very few crashes.
My experience leads me to distrust gamesas DLCs, even though the ones for Morrowind & Oblivion have no problems. I can no longer trust gamesas to deliver trust-worthy DLCs. This is pertinent since I have already pre-ordered Skyrim. I will NOT load any Skyrim DLCs until months after release and I can see what other players experience is, IF at all.
I really regret that the QA at gamesas seems to have gone to hell.