The Skyrim Dead Is Dead Thread II

Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:29 pm

Welcome to the Skyrim Dead Is Dead thread.

*ATTENTION* When posting updates on your character, If it contains information on areas, items, enemies or anything that is beyond general information, wrap those lines in spoiler tags. Do not let this keep you from telling your adventure. It is encouraged for people to post a description of where you are at and what you are doing.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the people that contributed to making the DID playstyle a part of the Bethesda Softworks Forums. The initial thread began, and still resides, in the neighboring forum of Fall Out New Vegas. The founder .46ACP (Gunny) who was inspired by Longknife.

For the support of a DID community, I would like to make an Honorable Mention for Sten The Ugly.

The OP is maintained by Gunny

The OP is maintained by SENIOR CINCO

The OP is maintained by Murandus

Now for the basics. If you are unfamiliar with, or would like to know more about the DID playstyle. Please visit the page, in the

Just one rule...Dead is Dead.

1) When your character falls in battle or falls from a cliff, that's it. They are dead. Game over. No reloads. Feel free to restart, with the ole "I or II", after their names. If you so choose.

...If your character falls due to a glitch, the game locks up or due to any outside action and/or distraction ( kids / pets / mother-in-law ) at no fault from the player. No shame will fall upon you to revert to a previous save.

NOTE : Difficulty has no bearing in DID. It should be set, according the comfort of the player. Pending things like character build, roleplay, limits, mods, and experience, this can easily vary among players.

If you want to try a run, feel free to list your new characters, with a backstory if you like. As well as, their starting stats and limitations.
Update your progress. Much like the "Where are you now", thread. It's really not any different from most of your guy's/gal's playstyle...aside from the dead and done part.

When and if that happens, post their name, date of passing and any info you want to reflect on their tomb. I will list them in the OP, so they will be forever remembered.

Player Tomb Listings :

1) I will list the players in alphabetical order.

2) The graves, of your fallen characters, will be added to your Tomb.

3) Any info on your char will be added, to their grave, according to your post.

4) Each character's grave will be limited, to 7 lines of info, for simplicity and unity. I will be more than happy, to tie a link to your character's name for pics and stats.

5) The Tombs will have a heading, with the players user name.

...With regards to the memorial...If you commit to a DID, your character dies and you post " My dude died, on such and such, but I'm going to continue playing him/her", OR you play with a varied version, like restarting from a "half-way point". That is NOT Dead Is Dead and you will NOT get added to the graveyard. This prompted a lot of frowns and nasty comments, in the other forum. So, we can prevent this before it happens.

Thank you for participating and enjoy your game.

~ ~ ~
Capulus Ceciderunt de Memoria Skyrim
~ ~ ~
"Tenetur in Aeternum"
"Bound in Eternity"
~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~

------------ Cael.09 ------------

Here Lies
Ronan The Redguard
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Male Redguard
Level - 7
Fell to a frost troll just on his way to High Hrothgar.

~ ~~~ ~

Here Lies
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Male Redguard
Level 17
Fell to a Wispmother, her ice spikes shredding through his steel armor like cutting cloth.

------------ Cpt_Calavera ------------

Here Lies
Born - 4E170
Died - 4E201
Male Breton
Level - 5
Killed by the Draugr Overlord in Bleak Falls Barrow.

~ ~~~ ~

Here Lies
Born - 4E181
Died - 4E201
Male Nord
Level 6
Killed by a giant frost spider while trying to find the way to the Throat of the World.

~ ~~~ ~

Here Lies Turyel
Born - 4E183
Died - 4E201
Male Altmer
Level 9
Killed by falmers in the ruins of Mzulft while searching for the Staff of Magnus.

------------ xDETHBROKERx ------------

Here Lies
Shaddix Kriox
Born - 4E 180
Died - 4E 201
Male Breton
Level - Unknown
He tripped and fell off of a bridge to his death.

------------ elric1976 ------------

Here Lies
Born - Unknown
Died - 18th of Heartfire 4E 201
Male Dunmer
Level - 19
Was able to defeat a Blood Dragon but a wolf was the end of him shortly after.

------------ eunoia ------------

Here Lies
Born - 4E 176
Died - 4E 201
Female Nord
Level - 2
Died far from home in the lair of vampires. Flattened by a metal rack.

------------ hidesfromdragons ------------

Here Lies
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Male Nord
Level - 9
A brave nord warrior who died a fools death by running into a dragon screaming victory or sovngarde.

------------ jingolobam ------------

Here Lies
Lets drink to the memory of Wiliam, true Nord of heart, slayer of a Tree Dragons, Giant Frost Spider, Hagraven, Imperials and Thalmors,
and to the memory of a true friend Faendal who sacificed his life, savind Wiliam from Icewright.
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Male Nord
Level - 19
Died at the blade of a Bandit Leader.

------------ Kitchwan ------------

Here Lies
Kitchwan Thornblade
Born - Unknown
Died - 11th of Heartfire 4E 201
Male Nord
Level - 22
After having a epic battle with a group of wolves, a spider and a frost dragon, Kitchwan stood over the bodies triumph.
That is until a giant came up and knocked him into space

------------ Magnusvf ------------

Here Lies
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Male Nord
Level - 5
Cause of deaath - Unknown

------------ Marguth ------------

Here Lies
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Male Breton
Level - 7
Marguth was a magically talented thief, who loved, to use his illusion, to let his enemys fight against each other.
He unhappily met his demise, in the cave with only 1 bear.

------------ Mavj95 ------------

Here Lies
Urul gro-Malak
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Male Orc
Level 8
He died while courageously besieging a Stormcloak fort.

~ ~~~ ~

Here Lies
Phane Surilie
Accomplished Mage
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Male Breton
Level 7
Died while searching for the staff of Magnus, as have many others.

------------ nate90909 ------------

Here Lies
Born - Unknown
Died - 17th of Last Seed, 4E 201
Male Nord
Level - 1
Fate seemingly saved him from the block at Helgen, only to have him turned into a crisp as he attempted his escape.

~ ~~~ ~

Here Lies
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Male Nord
Level - 8
To Uthmir who did many great deeds, such as slay a dragon near whiterun, and drink lots of mead.
His venture into Halldir's Cairn was his last, he slew the undead fiend, and yet, fell himself.
Falling down, and down, through Halldir's trapdoor to his death he fell just a bit too far.

------------ Nefarious One ------------

Here Lies
Born - 4E141
Died - 4E201
Male Nord
Level - 1
Fought with the fishes a tad too long, 'ol Edgtho now sleeps with them, no hero song

------------ postal83 ------------

Here Lies
Born - Unknown
Died - 19th of Last Seed, 4E 201
Male Breton
Level 5
Died by an arrow fired from a skeleton on the way to Winterhold.

------------ Rartys ------------

Here Lies
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Male Dunmer
Level - Unknown
Fell from a cliff trying to sneak up on an enemy.

------------ RelicLTD ------------

Here Lies
Crispin Chance
Imperial Legion advanced scout and archer
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Male Imperial
Level 12
Died in a small fort near the western watch tower, from an arrow to the head.

------------ Renee Gade III ------------

Here Lies
Blade 'n' Bone
Fair hero and member of the Companions Guild.
Born - 4E171
Died - 4E201
Male Nord
Level 8
He was taken down by a group of bandits.

------------ RFG Crazy Horse ------------

Here Lies
Runs with Sheep
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Gender/Race - Unknown
Level - 4
Dark Brotherhood Assassin could outrun the town guard, but not 3 bears.

------------ Snaketallica ------------

Here Lies
Born - Unknown
Died - Unknown
Male Orc
Level - 9
Died from being trapped, under the ice.

------------ spaz_lad ------------

Here Lies
Ronsvik Red-Beard
Born - 4E 169
Died - Unknown
Male Nord
Level - 10
Died from a fireball out of nowhere launched from a Hagraven.

------------ Sycarcious ------------

Here Lies
Grovaal White-Wolff
Born - 4E169
Died - 4E201
Male Nord
Level - 9
Grovaal could slay the mightiest of Dragons. But Giants don't care how many dragons he's killed.

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Hella Beast
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 8:51 pm

Question, i just died due to not being able to shout for some unknown reason. My shout was recharged completely, and had been for some number of seconds, but wouldn't work. So i got assassinated when i shouldve been able to heal. Dead or reload and keep on rolling?
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Soraya Davy
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:39 pm

Question, i just died due to not being able to shout for some unknown reason. My shout was recharged completely, and had been for some number of seconds, but wouldn't work. So i got assassinated when i shouldve been able to heal. Dead or reload and keep on rolling?

If you fell, due to a glitch and you are confident that is was a glitch. Then rock on. Only you can know for sure.
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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Sat Nov 19, 2011 1:36 am

Well i can't think of any other reason my shout wouldn't be working. Unfortuantely my last save was at a very hard boss, hopefully i wont die hah.
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brian adkins
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:52 pm

Well i can't think of any other reason my shout wouldn't be working. Unfortuantely my last save was at a very hard boss, hopefully i wont die hah.

I've heard of more people having this problem so I'm quite positive it's a glitch :) I would even go as far as saying that if you die again at this boss it doesn't count 'cause you already cleared it lol, but that's just me...
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Kahli St Dennis
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:02 pm

Well i can't think of any other reason my shout wouldn't be working. Unfortuantely my last save was at a very hard boss, hopefully i wont die hah.

I would see no shame in doing what ever was necessary to get your character back to that point. Death or not. If others have experienced this as well, do what it takes and continue on.
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Jay Baby
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Post » Sat Nov 19, 2011 1:27 am

Name: Justen Hoffer
Age: 23
Race: Nord
Born: 4E 201
Yellow: Describes an action.
Blue: Describes a thought.
Red: Means talking.
As Justen arrived at the execution site, he was thinking OMG, I'm going to DIE... When he got out of a carriage the guards started calling out names. The guard ask "Who are you?" Justen replied "Justen Hoffer". The guard said "Follow the Captain.". As Justen followed the Captain he was scared to die. Justen watched some guy's head get chopped off a minute later. The guards called his name, and at this moment, his heart skipped a beat. He heard some weird noise as he walked to the chopping block. As he laid his head down on the stone, a Dragon flew down from the sky's and started attacking the city. Justen made a run for a fort near by. He followed a guy up the stairs of the fort. When he reached the top a DRAGON blew through the wall and burnt somebody. Justen is thinking, "OMG!!!" (10 seconds later) ~looks down from the destroyed wall~ "Their seems to be a building I can jump to.". As Justen jumped to the destroyed building, he is thinking "I'm going to die.". He ran and found imperial legion guards. Justen Followed a warrior to a temple where he followed Ralof into the temple. Justen took as many supplies as he could then fought the imperials. As Justen made his way through a cave, he fought dangerous people and creatures. A little while later, he and Ralof made it out of the cave and into a forest. Justen followed Ralof to a town named Riverwood where he talked to someone named Gerder. Gerder wanted Justen to go to Whiterun so he can tell the Jarl that Helgen was attacked by a Dragon. When Justen got near the city he found a group of people trying to kill a Giant. Justen thought "These people look like they need help.". Not to long after, Justen helped kill the Giant and was offered to join a group called the Companions.

To be continued...
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:42 pm

So I had a DID 3 hour session there with my normal character. I was in the mind set "If I die, goodbye". And I have to say it was great. I had 1 close call it was with a Dragon. The second out of 3 I might add dragon fights I had in this session... which was crazy since I only had one drangon encounter in all my time in Skyrim before tonight. This dragon fight was such a close call for a number of reasons. 1) I had some help with the other 2, this one I was on my own. 2) This one was a fire breather, I was a Nord and the other 2 were Ice breathers. 3) I was attacked by a ****ing Troll in the middle of my fight with the winged beast.

Anyways the trill was great and I did things I'd never usually do... i.e run away to try a figure my options, use all my potions, eat food.

Also later I ended up in jail because of the DID rule. I decided to back down from a fight I wasn't sure I'd win. I didn't have the option to reload and try and get away with what I was doing again.

So if there was any doubt before, there is non in my head now. I will be roll out a DID Toon Tomorrow Night after work and will surely enjoy the game 10 fold playing this way.
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Naazhe Perezz
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Post » Sat Nov 19, 2011 1:16 am

Previous post:
Name: Harnum Veyk
Race: Khajiit
Class: Assassin/Thief
Current Level: 8
Last Seen: The Ragged Flagon

Not going to write a big story for this update, don't feel like writing in detail about my recent adventures.
Here's the very short version (in spoilers due to the recent discussion about spoilers, I'd never even considered, my apologies):

- Traveled by carriage to Riften
- Met Brynjolf and assisted him in performing a scam
- Joined the thieves guild
- Infiltrated a bee farm, stole money from the owner and burned some of his hives as my first mission for the thieves guild

The first thief mission was super intense, I loved sneaking around trying to get through without being caught or killing anyone. A couple close calls but creative distractions saw me through undiscovered until the end. At the very end of the mission I was discovered and had a fair number of people chasing me, but I managed to make a narrow escape back to the guild. Really hope I don't lose this character, it would be devastating :P
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kirsty williams
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:53 pm

Darrian Tabris died today.. doing the same mission MatP was doing however... Got shot in the face once I was caught. A tragic death indeed. However I am to start a new character now and hope that I fair better next time
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 10:50 am

First venture into DID has some to a close. Geidon 11 Redguard: Having slain 2 dragons and increased his fame, Geidon ventured into Shimmermist Grotto and fell in battle to an ambush to some Felmar and a Unknown Dwarven construct.

Shame, I really liked that guy
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Kevan Olson
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:39 pm

Sorry, I don't know what a QTE is. But is sounds like it's a glitch. Glitches are covered in the OP.

I believe he means "quick time event", ala Dead Space 2 (looks to be a cutscene and then your suddenly asked to MASH X OR DIE!!1!1 out of no where). Seems to me as though that is still part of the in-game environment though, so under the rules listed in the first post, wouldn't that still mean you're dead? Still, they seem like mostly similar playstyles.

Out of curiosity, Senior Cinco, do you use fast travel? I've been less and less inclined to use it the more I've been playing this character. Most likely due to the fact that I feel like I'm actually roleplaying now.
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Marion Geneste
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 9:08 pm

The picture of how i barely got out alive. I have no chance in killing this.


I managed to close the gate as he was going through it, he got pushed back to the other side.
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Robert Garcia
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:45 pm

Happy adventures to all of you, this really must be intense. As soon as I'm done with this one I'm joining you!
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 6:50 pm

Tai'll Longbow - Level 1 - narrowly avoided execution, only to crouch when he should have run and got flamed by the first Dragon Skyrim has seen in centuries.

What a terrible waste of a wood elf's life.
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