I have a good base story I think, and I will be adding in pictures as I take them. I had several but only one went through to steam at my fault. I plan on taking progression pictures, as well as trying to write a (hopefully) enjoyable story, with a character that I hope will turn out to be believable.
I sometimes have the tendency to swap writing styles on accident, but I will try to refrain from doing so.
I would like to note that my writing skills are not the best in the world, but I will endeavor to make this something worth reading, I always enjoyed doing them for Mount and Blade, as well as reading about them and in once set in fallout 3.
My misfortune.
Chapter 1.
The past weeks have been both the most eventful, and the most terrifying in my 35 winters. I once lived in a small village under great red cliff's in Cyrodiil, near where the provinces of Hammerfell and Skyrim join at the border with Cyrodiil.
As you may have guessed, the village was called Redcliff. This is where I made my home, as did my father and his father, all the way back into the start of the third era.
My forefathers founded this village, far away from just about any other village, let alone the 4 day travel to Helgen through the mountains. Helgen was the nearest village, Chorrol was 5 days travel from the village. My father was a native imperial, like his father before him.
No one bothered us here, I lived my life in peace working the limber mill and tending to the crops. The great war always seemed so far away. I was 25 when the White-Gold Concordat was signed.
Not even bandits came this far out to bother us, and there was no one to enforce the ban of Talos. Things went on as normal.
Shortly after the war was over, a few soldiers would pass by, going to and from Hammerfel and Cyrodiil. At times some of them would stay in the village for a few days, resting and teaching me and the others about fighting with sword and shield.
I quickly became better than most of the others, a few of the Nords who called the village home proved better warriors than I was though. I was by no means the largest man in the village, but I was more agile. In total, ten of the men in the village including me kept simple armor and weapons about. I managed to get a suit of iron armor and a shield and axe in exchange for food and shelter.
When I was 30 my parents both passed within months of each other, and I having no brothers or sisters, I was the last of my line. A line that traces back to the founding of the village, over 200 years of Redcliff's. I was the last, and unmarried.
Life went on, as normal in a small village like this.
Then came the 4th day of Hearthfire. 4E 201.
I was out chopping a tree down, leaving early that morning before first light. I spent nearly all day felling a great old oak and chopping it up into lengths to be cut at the mill. I had been planning on cutting the tree down for most of the year, going to make some fine furniture from it you see. For sale of course.
I had the tree ready to be pulled to the mill by the team of village horses.
I was leading the horses back, it was getting dark. The encroaching darkness made it all the more apparent as I cleared the forest.
The bright flames in the dark, utter silence from this distance. Just the flames dancing in the distance.
Securing all but one horse that I turned loose from the pack, I pushed the horse as fast as it would go, heading to the village.
As I got closer to the village, it was clear that the flames had been burning for quite some time, most of the houses where already burnt out. Including mine. Only five men laid dead, the rest of the villagers missing. Over two hundred years of history, gone.
I fell to my knee's in front of my house. Everything I owned, gone. Everything I had ever made, or my parents had made burnt. Ruined.
Tears flooded my eyes, I tried to hold my emotions back. I failed. I am not sure how long I was there, weeping.
Something stirred behind me, I tried to clear my eyes and took the dagger from my belt. It was one of the Nords, his iron chest piece had a ragged hole in it with burn marks on his face and armor.
He tried to drag his way over to me, so I went to him. His armor was broken, blood flowed from the wound onto the ground and soaking his clothing. Half his face was burnt, clearly magic. I seen the remains of a arrow that he had broken off left in his chest.
He grasped my hand with amazing strength, and with half his renaming eye he looked into mine, from lips half burnt off he gasped,"Thalmor......Purge" and managed a few more wheezing and labored breaths before he managed to ask me to finish it.
I thrust my dagger through his chest while holding his hand, into his heart. His hand goes limp and falls, I close his eyes. May you live on in sovngarde my brother.
One of the huts escaped the fire, I wash the blood off my hands and dagger.
The bed was still clean and ready for someone to sleep there, I am not ashamed to say that I wept until I fell asleep that night, the others missing. These people where like family to me, my brothers and sisters. Gone.
I awoke around midday, I burred those who remained. It was not long after I spotted some bandits in the distance. No doubt attracted to the fire, wanting to pick over the loot like the bottom feeding scum they are.
With a dull ache in my stomach I got back on the horse. I rode out and turned the others loose. Helgen was this way, along this path. Four long days away with no food or drink and only my dagger.
I turned to see the village one last time, it was then the arrow screamed past my head, a warning shot. The bandits had already reached the village. I thought of riding hard towards them with my dagger. Suicide it may be, I have nothing left.
Yet, something told me to ride on, to Helgen.
A second arrow, this one closer, flew past my head again. I spurred the horse forward.
I rode for two days, not sleeping. I was not able to and I think the bandits may have been following me. I only stopped for a few hours each day to rest and feed the horse. As I was feeding the horse I stumbled upon some wild snow berry's and a clean stream. I quickly ate the berry's. Enough to dull the ache in my belly and I got some clean water. I washed my face, then continued on.
Nothing really happened until the middle of the third day. I heard sounds of battle over the next ridge. The next thing I knew I was smacked in the side and knocked off my horse by someone or something.
I looked up from the snow covered ground, a horse thief. The coward jumped on the horse and it took off, in the direction of the battle. What a fool, I chased after him. My horse caught a arrow, throwing the thief off. Several imperial foot soldiers took the thief and my self with ease. Then finished off the horse and loaded us on a wagon.
When I asked what was going on the only thing I got was the back end of a sword and "Storm cloak traitor". They made me change into some old rags.
It was freezing, and I had no idea where I would end up.
Again, I asked what was going on, one of the soldier's punched me so hard I blacked out.
Sometime later, I awoke. The large Nord sitting across from me seemed glad I was awake. He informed me that Helgen was close and we should be passing through soon.
When we arrived at the village the general was there him self! The general of the legion was here. How did I get into such a mess?
They moved us like cattle off the wagon, started calling names. The jarl of Windhelm had been sitting right next to me the entire time! He was bound and gagged.
My name was not on the list, but at the command of the officer in charge I was to receive the same fate as the others. The man with the book told me he was sorry, and another soldier whispered he was sorry as well, while he pushed me to the chopping block.
It seems like a dream now, a priestess gave us a final sermon. The horse thief tried to run but was killed. A rather large Nord was called up to the block. The imperials forced him into place. Then I heard a strange noise in the distance. The axe fell.
"you there!" they pointed at me, you are next. They forced me into place, I heard the noise again. Was I going crazy? The Axe lifted high, about to fall.
It was then, a huge blacked winged creature landed on the tower, his very voice shook the ground and I blacked out.
When I awoke everything was on fire, the Nord that sat across from me dragged me to me feet. "come on! we have to get inside!" I followed him into a tower.
Ulfric was there, he and Rolf had a conversation. Called it a "dragon".
While they where distracted I ran up the tower, stopping just short of the platform where the dragon burst through, killing a man and roasting another with fire, before flying off.
I managed to make my way out of the tower, jumping down and avoiding the flames. I ran into the nice soldier again, he was saving some child from the dragon. He commanded me to follow him, "if I wanted to live" and I did.
We made our way to the keep, just narrowly avoiding death many times. The general and his guards where fighting the dragon as best they could. Holding it at bay.
I kept running, following the soldier. He freed me from my binding, told me his name was Hadvar. I found a shield and a good sword. Together we mad our way out of the keep.
He did most of the fighting, I was tired and weak. Had it not been for us working with each other I firmly think we would have not made it out of there. I flanked them while he took them head on.
He told me about his uncle, in a place called Riverwood. He helped me get there, stopping at some standing stones. He showed me the different ones, I chose the warrior. Somehow I felt like I know more now about fighting just for touching the thing. Eventually we made our way to the village. I was exhausted. His uncle Alvor took us in. Hadvar told the story of what happened, while Alvor's wife fed us fine cheeses and some fresh meat with mead. I was so hungry. Alvor told me I could use his house. I think Hadvar told him I was a much greater help than I really was.
I went to the little bed, I was so tired.
I passed out as soon as I laid down.
The next morning, I awoke to a fresh breakfast. Alvor, his wife and child along with Hadvar, already awake, where enjoying the meal. I ate too. It seemed like the best two meals I had ever had.
With out even asking, Alvors wife brought a empty journal and a quill after I had ate. I was welcome to stay here for a while, they made it known.
I wrote down everything that happened up to this point, everyone listened to my story. They seem to care.
It feels like home. I miss my friends.
End chapter.1.
I will write more later, if anyone wants.