Xbox360 / PS3 controllers have 'cursor control', just like the pc does. I am not talking about the mouse. I mean the little stick or buttons that make you go forward, backward, left, right. Except where the PC controllers are Boolean (move or don't move), the console controllers are more anologue-ish, allowing the player to move gradually from very slowly to a normal, walking speed. I've seen this in a few videos now, notably in Skyrim where the player slooowly circles a burning dragon corpse for extra dramatic effect. It looks quite fantastic.
Finally, we have come to..
I read that many types of console controllers these days are USB and work with normal desktop computers. IF I connect one of these controllers to a PC and use it to play the PC version (well duh) of Fallout3, Oblivion or Skyrim, CAN I use the controller to make the same kind of slooow anologue-ish cursor movements that I have deftly tried to describe a few times now?

(Bonus question: are there keyboards that have this same type of functionality for the WASD or cursor keys?)