what, ye OWNC and WAC players, mods do you also play with along with the "backbone" of these two overhaul mods?
This question, i hope, is not really a "what mods should I use", post; what I am looking for here is a kind of "poll" as to what
mods have the OWND OWC players
also installed and found to be acceptable and compatible, like large quest mods such as Heart of the dead or such mods.
Yes. I have read the OWCND compatibility list, but not all large mods are on this list.
I am getting ready for a "final" playthrough before Oblivion, Nehrim, and the new-to-come Andoran.
so far, myself, along with OWCND and WAC, i have
lost spires.
Adash, city of magic.
better cities.
unique landscapes.
ak weye.
--and 170...180 other small mods. I do not have room to add many more!
so what other mods do you also play with, that play well with OWCND..WAC?! mods that might not be on the
compatibility list or mods that might have *looked* to not be compatible but really are compatible?
thank you....freestone