Some posts have gone away. Please note that placing real world racism into fictional races in a fictional world just doesn't work and has no place here. Unless you believe we have orcs and elves running around.
I suggest folks trying to do this, read some lore about each race but keep those comparisons and racist notions off the forum please.
What? Orcs and elves don't exist? :blink:
On topic: Redguards are great I've played one in Morrowind, in Oblivion they were ugly (as everyone else), but their skin wasn't brown, like in Morrowind, daggerfall, skyrim, redguard, and all other TES games, it was a brown-red-orange-ish color that I didn't like. I mainly played as orcs in Oblivion as they are supposed to be ugly. I'm deffinately going to make a blind redguard swordmaster, kind of inspired by Eli (Book of Eli).