Do Argonians lay eggs?

Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 6:41 pm

Wish I would have read this before I posted, this is the first theory I've heard that I like. Sea turtles, for example, can hold their eggs for up to an extra 5 weeks waiting for the perfect time to deposit them. Its feasible that the argonians could choose whether or not to lay their eggs or carry them until just before they are ready to hatch

Here is what Mark Nelson said in 11/07/03
Men and Mer assume much about Argonians, but who among them has ventured deep into Black Marsh and lived to tell about it? They assume that Argonians lay eggs because they resemble the tree-dwelling lizards that scurry about on four legs. Yet they assume Argonians have live births, because the females have briasts with which they might svckle their young. Perhaps it is both, as necessity demands. All live at the whim of the Great Root.

and on 11/10/03
Never underestimate the adaptability of Argonians, or, more specifically, the power of the Hist to allow Argonians to adapt.

I wouldn't expect to hear an Argonian born in Skyrim (or on Solstheim, for that matter) mention being hatched. Nor would I expect to hear more transient Argonians (say, members of a small, nomadic tribe) speak about laying eggs. However, in warmer climates, in places with established, stable, and permanent communities, you would likely see a great number of eggs.

So far, there is nothing to contradict this to date.
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Nuno Castro
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:54 am

I clearly understand what the word means, I read the wikipedia article too. But it doesnt justify argonians calling their young hatchlings, if they are expelled from the body as live young. Unless, as I said, the egg shell is expelled as afterbirth

Wether it was in or outside the body- the 'hatchling' still hatched out of a shell.

It matters not where this hatching takes place, wether it be in the womb or not.
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Kaley X
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 1:49 pm

Here is what Mark Nelson said in 11/07/03

and on 11/10/03

So far, there is nothing to contradict this to date.

Your post is legit, as are you sir.
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:13 am

I clearly understand what the word means, I read the wikipedia article too. But it doesnt justify argonians calling their young hatchlings, if they are expelled from the body as live young. Unless, as I said, the egg shell is expelled as afterbirth

I thought that Argonians laid eggs judging from OB at 1st but I do think it justifies argonians calling their young hatchlings. Afterall they 'hatch', wether its inside or outside they're still hatching. You'd be right if argonians were viviparous, which they've been stated not to be.

P.S. had to look up Lemon Sharks to remember viviparous lol
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Spooky Angel
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:56 am

hmm well the duck billed platypus has mammary glands and lays eggs.

edit: they are also aquatic and look a bit like argonians.
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 4:45 pm

nope, eery argonian licks hist sap once in his/her life on his/her naming day (altough i assume they could do it more times if they wanted, it acts like a very powerful drug in other creatures [as seen in oblivion when you got high on hist sap and went on a bad trip killing a town before waking up] but i dont know all of the effects on an advlt argonian) the ammount of sap they ingest will affect what they look like when they get older. and no argonian before his naming day (a baby argonian) has hist sap

the more you know :tongue:

thanks for clearing that up. i like learning as much about the TES lore as i can, espetialy when it partains to my favorite race.

so now we know, and knowing is half the battle! :lol:
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Adam Porter
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:23 pm

Hellmouth's posted the canon answer twice. In Skyrim they don't lay eggs because the environment is too hostile for reliable incubation. In Black Marsh and Elsweyr in settled communities they probably do lay leathery lizard eggs. Either way they're distinct from mammals in that there is no placenta, just a yolk sac.
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 1:59 pm

*Steals a dragons egg and raises it to be a companion to my character like that damned dog in Fable*

*group of bandits corner my character*

Bandit leader: Any last words, kid?

Me: ''Yeah. HEY, SPLINTER'' (the name I always give to my pets in a game

*Bandits are roasted alive*

Me: ''Good little dragon. You can eat them as a reward, as soon as I loot their bodies.''
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 5:52 pm

Your post is legit, as are you sir.
I concede
I'm taken aback! It's not you, it's just that most people tend to continue to say "well Beth could just change it if they wanted to."

But...I will say that Mark did leave during FO3, but I'd say his word is good until something else comes by to confirm or say otherwise.

hmm well the duck billed platypus has mammary glands and lays eggs.

edit: they are also aquatic and look a bit like argonians.
Less of being nipbles and more of being areas where they sweat milk.
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:59 am

hmm well the duck billed platypus has mammary glands and lays eggs.

Its one of two known mammals to lay eggs, the other is the Echidna....Freaks if you ask me but Ive found that whenever humanity makes a rule or law theres always an exception, exception to that law is the laws of phyics.
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sara OMAR
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:51 am

Making a public mockery of our reproductive processes... You are all going to Oblivion! :obliviongate:
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Gracie Dugdale
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:33 am

Making a public mockery of our reproductive processes... You are all going to Oblivion! :obliviongate:

200yrs in a pocket dimension where time doesnt actually exist makes Oblivion look like a playground
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Post » Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:51 pm

Making a public mockery of our reproductive processes... You are all going to Oblivion! :obliviongate:

Oblivion isn't "hell" Mehrune Dagon's may look like it, with all it's twisted features and fire and brimstone, but it's not. Some planes of Oblivion are quite beautiful, like Sheogorath's Shivering Isles and Azura's Moonshadow. So, saying someone is going to "Oblivion" doesn't really make sense, unless you banish them there some how, but even still, not all of them look like hell.
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