Alright I have a problem here. While advancing in the Thieves Guild, I got to the quest where I had to translate Gallus's Journal from the Falmer language, and it requires you to go talk to this elder researcher in Markarth. SO, I gained access HONESTLY to his Dwemer Museum, and I got to a certain part where I hear another wizard say, "Kill any intruders on sight". So I try to sneak past without a fight but sure enough one discovered me and I had to kill everyone basically, even the certain wizard. (His name started with an "A" but I cant remember his name.) After getting the translation I left undetected as 4 Imperial guards walked in and said "Spread out, and watch your guard, they could be dangerous". Later on, I went to the College of Winterhold and talked to an enchanter that wanted me to go pick up a weapon and bring it back to him so he can enchant it. It just so happens that the person I need to get the weapon from is the wizard that I was forced to kill. Now I have a quest in my journal that when highlighted, no marker shows up on my map. So am I now stuck with this quest in my journal forever and unable to be completed? Or will the game adapt after a while and respawn another character for that quest?