» Mon Nov 28, 2011 7:46 pm
The point is the game runs on CryEngine 3, which has several performance optimizations by itself (lighting system, etc) and it features NanoSuit 2 controls however much some people might dislike them. I very much enjoy the Armor and Cloak modes of the N2.
However, and to be quite honest, my system which rocks an AMD Phenom II x6 1090t overclocked to 4.1GHz (2.6GHz cpu-nb), 8GB of Kingston HyperX Genesis 1600MHz DDR3 RAM and an AMD Asus EAH 6970 DirectCUII struggles to play this game at a constant 45+ FPS on all Very High, DX10.
In fact, even with the following settings:
no AA (EdgeAA = 2)
Vsync ON
Textures HIGH
Objects HIGH
Shadows MEDIUM
Physics MEDIUM
Shaders HIGH (q_renderer=3, r_colorgrading=1, r_usePOM=0)
Volumetric MEDIUM
Effects LOW
Particles MEDIUM
Postprocessing MEDIUM (r_sunshafts=1)
Motion Blur VERY HIGH
My game plummets into the extremely low 30's in some intense areas like the very, very start of Relic (map rescue) with all the little trees. And it was much worse when I had a GTX295 Co-Op.
As much as Crysis was an incredibly optimized game 4 years ago, the level of optimization achieved when comparing it to the current remake is laughable. Crytek UK have done an astonishing work on this one, which I applaud, and I would love to be able to experience their work on my PC.