^As i thought you will come up with some sh!itty excuse to avoid me.Talk big in forum,make 50 kills against noobs then run like a pvssy when challenged.Good job pro if that makes you happy.
And when did i undermine bitey?He is one of my fav player.Making of stories eh?Jerk!!
omg wahaha
I really dont wanna go in off-topic in this thread, but I must say this: you're an 455H013 !!!
You flamed me in game talking similar stuff like here: "you talk big in forum but in game you are zero" (which is against aQ rulez, and they are foolz for having an azzhole like you in their clan) yet you are doing the same thing - winning on a server full of noobs. (I regret not taking screenshot; even I as a noobish player didn't wanna use maximum nanosuit and other bonuses against those guys, but you "owned" that server with your ~30 kills; congratz -_-)
We played other day... you were a classic laser whore, scar+laser. If you're not using that pvssy-combo, you're using op weapon - Marshall.
Not to mention that you were nanovision whore too, but I haven't noticed it lately, maybe because I'm just ignoring idiots.
Whenever I killed you, you found me on the map in few seconds and killed me. Name-tag hack?!
Dude, whatever...
But if you're gonna challenge someone, do it on custom server with forced weapon and no suit perks...
That will show some real skills and not allow you to use game exploits.
Get on some private server, talk to a server admin to make special settings for the server, and play few matches with different forced weapons...
I would be glad to play against you in those circumstances (as a noob that I am).
Oh, I forgot you opened a thread to lol at people still playing this doomed game... why the hell are you still playing it then... GTFO!
Sorry for this offT but I had to tell this guy how pathetic he is, for the last time.
About graphics comparison - C2 wins IMO. BF3 is too much hyped.