Starting an explosives character... questions

Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:28 am

Alright so im after playing and replaying various guns, EW, melee and unarmed characters, im going to go for an explosives character. However, ive never done this and i have some questions.

1. Whats a good strategy starting out? Are there any good explosive weapons i should pickup early in the game? Or should i rely on another weapon skill (i was thinking unarmed) for a while? Where i find some good explosives in general?
2. What attributes are important for an explosives character? Is having a high crit chance worth it?
3. Im browsing the explosives section in the weapons list on the fallout wiki, and for damage they say something like 30 + 100 AoE. (grenade launcher in this case). What exactly does this mean and how does the damage work?
4. What kind of armor would be good for this kind of character?
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Angus Poole
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:37 am

Well, the first explosive weapon (I always come across in a new game) is a Grenade rifle in a Nipton house, it's okay, but ammo doesn't come easy early in game for explosives. The skill doesn't really get that intresting till you get Thump-Thump or Mercy. Terrible for indoors, not only do you run this risk of hurting friendlies, but you could also make items go missing due to the explosion. ~

With explosives you'll want the perks that increase your explosive damage by 20% each rank and the one that reduces the damage you take from explosives. I work with Light armour and Medium armour for my EXPL characters, they work fine :)
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:57 am

1. If you tag Explosives skill in the beginning of the game, then right a way Doc Mitchell gives you Dynamite. I would suggest siding with the Powder Gangers because you can get free dynamite (you could always kill them later if you don't like them). Later on, you can turn in 3 NCR dog tags to a man at Cottonwood Cove for Frag Grenades, if you're willing to join our glorious Legion (:disguise:). As for strategy, invest in VATS perks and get as much Action Points as possible because explosive and VATS work together better than without VATS. Also the perk: "Heave Ho!" and "Demolition Expert" are recommended (there's more, but I forget :( ).

2. High AP, stronger limbs in case you accidentally explode yourself (the perk: Adamantium Skeleton is recommended). I'm not sure about Crit. Chance and Explosives, me thinks you don't need to worry about it.

3.AoE is Area of Effect radius.

4. I would say Heavy or Medium, because you might be taking a lot of damage from others (like when throwing Dynamite) and from yourself (accidental Dynamite miss).
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:45 pm

This should be moved to reg. NV gen discussion,doesnt seem to have any thing to do with dlc.

To answer you though,I truly dont know any thing that can help you.I stink with explosives,I only used them to get the achievments,to do that though,just get the missle launcher,,lots of HE/HV missles, and head to quary junction for an exotic big game hunt. :disguise: :flamethrower:
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