No Love for Khajit?

Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:56 am

My guess is that Bethesda made the number of marriageable NPCs in proportion to the races' population in Skyrim. Hence the overwhelming majority of Nords, large minority of Imperials, a few Bretons and Redguards, and a small smattering of elves.


Skyrim is the northern part of Tamriel and home of the Nords so you would expect most of people in the area to be Nord and thoses from nearby countries (Imperials, darks elfs etc.) It would be odd it was filled with Khajit who come from the opposite side of Tamriel, and were it's sub-tropical (snows cool but i'd rather live somewhere warmer)

oh and for people who are saying theres no Khajit in the game, I know atleast two named ones

one in the Mage college, can become a follower. another is an easter guy who says stuff about developers

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KIng James
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:16 pm

there are far too many Nords.

Well, the game does take place in Skyrim, after all.
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:02 pm

Do the Argonian females use the same voice files of the Khajiit females?

If not, does anyone know if the voice files are in the game for a Khajiit wife/husband at all?

If we are lucky, this would be great news for modders, as they could simply add a few. Otherwise, I too found this lame for my lonely Khajiit... :(
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Emma louise Wendelk
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:03 pm

Guys, Skyrim is not suitable for Khajits it is obvious.

1. Khajits come from a tropical land.

2. Everyone hates Khajits in Skyrim (racists). I am not kidding ya. I play as a Khajit stealth archer and all I hear in skyrim is:
"You Khajits always seem to get into trouble"
"Stay out of trouble Khajit"
"Let me guess- somebody took your sweetroll..."
"Skyrim is not your land cat. We came to teach you a lesson."
"I didnt know that Khajits were alowed to cook. I mean... the risk of getting fur in the food.."
"I once had a cat. It looked like you"
"What are you looking at cat?"
"Why would a Khajit fight for Skyrim?"

And so on...
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Elizabeth Falvey
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:12 am

Do the Argonian females use the same voice files of the Khajiit females?

If not, does anyone know if the voice files are in the game for a Khajiit wife/husband at all?

If we are lucky, this would be great news for modders, as they could simply add a few. Otherwise, I too found this lame for my lonely Khajiit... :(

From what I've noticed, the Argonian females have a much more 'gravelly' voice than the Khajit females do. I'm playing on Xbox360, so I can't really comment on voice files.
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:03 pm

I kinda like the racial discrimination in this game ... I am not a racist or anything like that, but it really adds immersion and feeling of a rough land ...

There are only few things that bother me.

-Like mentioned in topic, no Khajiit spouses? WHY? They live outside cities like some nomads or something, but I've seen female khajiits? Why can't I marry one of them if I decide to play a Khajiit? Yea we probably couldn't marry inside of a city, but is there a khajiit companion that can be used for roleplaying as your spouse?

-Why are there only humanoid children?
I really want to see elven children, but every race should have them !

-Khajiit should make bigger camps/villages, same for other discriminated races! Not just a tent outside a city...

-I really like how there is a Grey Quarter for Dunmer people, but what do I get if I am a Dunmer? Why can't I buy a small house in a Grey Quarter? Or maybe sleep anytime in New Gnisis Cornerclub, and get better deals with that merchant? Why is it soooo small with only few interiors? Morrowind did an AWESOME job with Dunmer culture, but I was hoping I would see tons of their influence here too, on the eastern parts of Skyrim, but I don't see much of it ...
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:42 pm

That's another thing I've noticed. I don't think there is a single Khajit NPC that isn't either in a traveling caravan or a bandit. There are a few argonians, most noticeably in Riften.

I seem to recall meeting a Khajiit in the College of Winterhold, but besides that yes there are not many.
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:04 am

"Let me guess- somebody took your sweetroll..."

This is reference / easter egg to a either fallout 3 (were your Sweetroll is stolen lol) or one of the earlier TES ( I think it was Morrwind, not sure)

everyone can this since my imperal Mage-battle got it in winterhold when i was fighting Dragon lol
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:23 am

Guys, Skyrim is not suitable for Khajits it is obvious.

1. Khajits come from a tropical land.

2. Everyone hates Khajits in Skyrim (racists). I am not kidding ya. I play as a Khajit stealth archer and all I hear in skyrim is:
"You Khajits always seem to get into trouble"
"Stay out of trouble Khajit"
"Let me guess- somebody took your sweetroll..."
"Skyrim is not your land cat. We came to teach you a lesson."
"I didnt know that Khajits were alowed to cook. I mean... the risk of getting fur in the food.."
"I once had a cat. It looked like you"
"What are you looking at cat?"
"Why would a Khajit fight for Skyrim?"

And so on...

That's why I wish there was a third option to not side with anyone. I'm a Khajiit. Why do I give a crap about any of these jerks if they don't give a crap about me? If my saving the world happens to save them too, then so be it, but they can have their civil war and slit each others throats and i'll be there to loot the bodies.
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