» Tue Nov 29, 2011 11:02 am
Did it on Fallout 3, worked fine for me, didn't try for NV though, but I managed to finish the game. Won't go back until there is a real patch.
Also try deleting your old save files after each session of play. Rather than have 20 million save files, run with 2-3 then when your done, save on a new file, delete the old ones, and when you come back to the game, start the process again. If you have plenty of saves, well, just always save on a new save. Should help avoid save corruption.
And well the save will always get bigger, it's normal, the longer you play the bigger it gets.
Also try uninstalling and reinstalling the game data. Worked once to make the game smoother for a while.
And if you can't load your game, that uninstalling/reinstalling doesn't work, it's probably that the save data is corrupted. Try reloading another. If not, your probably f*cked.
Try what I said earlier for the save games.