The first three options are rather radical and in my opinion do not really agree with the TES tradition. BTW, why did you choose intelligence in the first case? More magic schools are dependent on willpower. I think that possibility D would be possible. Some kind of background choice during the CharGen, but I would be happy if they kept magic as it was in Morrowind, just spiced with magicka regeneration and possibly armed casting.
The possibilities B and C sort remind me of some people′s suggestions that you should only be able to max your major skills. I resent this, because in my opinion, that would heavily damage the freedom TES is so well known for. Complete removal or at or skill caps, or at least making a system where the skill caps are really hard to reach would be much desirable.
Intelligence, willpower...any would have served the purpose of the example, there was no particular need for it to be intelligence. That particular attribute, one that would be less likely to be maxed by melees going strength heavy, would be the consequence of going heavy melee.
I also agree with your point being that the first 2-3 options are relatively radical wrt TES tradition. The purpose for offering the options was to gauge the community's level of comfort for introducing some absolute decision making when creating and developing their characters.
Personally, I am all for some kind of system where there are some penalties and opportunity costs for deciding what will be in our skill set.
Call me a masochist. :hubbahubba: