are they going to come out with a 2nd patch because my games

Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 8:12 pm

I've read somewhere that developers get to release one free patch after launch. Developers have to pay Microsoft for additional patch releases, so I think the next patch will take longer to get released to make sure the things that get fixed are all that must be fixed. There will likely never be a patch after the second.

If this is the case, can someone please PLEASE explain to me why they sent the first patch out to fix XP exploits - Minor problems, and not the 101 major problems that this game has? It makes no sense for either the consumer or money sense for the company if they do have to pay for additional patches. I really do not want to return my game, I actually want to boot it up and play. The lack of communication, refund warranty deadline and thinking about just how many updates this game will need to be on par with FO3 are honestly giving me no choice but to return it - Much to my dismay.

If I knew a patch was inbound, maybe I'd consider holding onto the game. But I don't even know that! I know it's coming, and appreciate Beth/Obsidian for doing whatever they can. An update to the community would go a long, long way I assure you. My patience is wearing rather thin. I've been waiting since release to even create my character.
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Eddie Howe
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Post » Wed Nov 30, 2011 2:33 am

If this is the case, can someone please PLEASE explain to me why they sent the first patch out to fix XP exploits - Minor problems, and not the 101 major problems that this game has? It makes no sense for either the consumer or money sense for the company if they do have to pay for additional patches. I really do not want to return my game, I actually want to boot it up and play. The lack of communication, refund warranty deadline and thinking about just how many updates this game will need to be on par with FO3 are honestly giving me no choice but to return it - Much to my dismay.

If I knew a patch was inbound, maybe I'd consider holding onto the game. But I don't even know that! I know it's coming, and appreciate Beth/Obsidian for doing whatever they can. An update to the community would go a long, long way I assure you. My patience is wearing rather thin. I've been waiting since release to even create my character.

A buddy of mine gave me this link about a future patch for the consoles. It's just a matter of when. Odd though, they don't announce it here.
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Emma Parkinson
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:59 pm

i got this game as a present for my birthday (10/24) and it was always freezing i downloaded the patch i installed the game it was working for a half hour last night and it got to a certain point and froze again=[.
now i cant even load a game i tried loading from a different save but it didn't what do i do i cant even play the game anymore are they coming out with another patch to fix this?=[

Yes they are patching the game very soon, if your haveing alot of freezes then drop the current follower and send them back to their town go adventure on for a bit then go back to get the follower , it work for the godly amount of freezes i was getting with boone, another with save file being corrupted try not to save going in and out wait or sleep and apone entering and exiting areas , do not reply on auto saves , never trust what you dont do yourself life in general follows that. save often yes poor game if you do it more then ten minutes everytime but i have only once had a corrupt file cause of auto save not the save files them selves, so yeah game on i havent had a problom with that other then boone freezing my game up , got rid of him then got him back seems to work fine for me.
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:44 pm

A buddy of mine gave me this link about a future patch for the consoles. It's just a matter of when. Odd though, they don't announce it here.

Awesome link. I think pretty much everyone has been wanting to know 'if' and 'when' the patch is arriving. When it arrives I don't care, just so long as it does and fixes pretty much everything they can within that patch. It's strange to think they havn't announced anything on this site. Thanks for the link. May consider being patient a little longer. God, it will feel like Christmas come early when I eventually get to boot the disc up!
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Elle H
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 3:45 pm

A buddy of mine gave me this link about a future patch for the consoles. It's just a matter of when. Odd though, they don't announce it here.

The post is from October 22, a day after a post was made by Bethesda: It's stickied in the general forum. So it's old. Nothing has changed since. :(
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sunny lovett
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 7:45 pm

A buddy of mine gave me this link about a future patch for the consoles. It's just a matter of when. Odd though, they don't announce it here.

I'm not sure if this patch will fix the DLC save glitch though, not sure people had experienced this right after launch...this weekend it's blown up big.
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Samantha Wood
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 6:15 pm

The post is from October 22, a day after a post was made by Bethesda: It's stickied in the general forum. So it's old. Nothing has changed since. :(

Aw, just noticed that myself. Back into depression I go. May I just ask anyone somewhat 'playing' FN:V on the 360, I'd like to know the current patch. So when this new patch hits, I'll know I have the right patch as I've yet to even boot up the game. Thanks in advance.
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 10:41 pm

Now i really don't care how long it takes until we receive a patch,as long as this "PATCH" actually fixes all the major issues, i can care less about small glitches as long as their is none that prevent you from progressing through the game and of course the now infamous DLC error that needs to be fixed more than anything in the world its ridiculous,
So i hope they don't come out with another patch that ends up ruining the game even more like the last one,and i hope that some how this next patch will fix our corrupt files and make them playable again.
"AND ONCE AGAIN A LITTLE COMMUNICATION WOULD GO A LONG WAYS" and not just saying "were working on it" how about your progress on resolving these issues? or if they can even be resolved at all.
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Trey Johnson
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 4:41 pm

If this is the case, can someone please PLEASE explain to me why they sent the first patch out to fix XP exploits - Minor problems, and not the 101 major problems that this game has? It makes no sense for either the consumer or money sense for the company if they do have to pay for additional patches. I really do not want to return my game, I actually want to boot it up and play. The lack of communication, refund warranty deadline and thinking about just how many updates this game will need to be on par with FO3 are honestly giving me no choice but to return it - Much to my dismay.

If I knew a patch was inbound, maybe I'd consider holding onto the game. But I don't even know that! I know it's coming, and appreciate Beth/Obsidian for doing whatever they can. An update to the community would go a long, long way I assure you. My patience is wearing rather thin. I've been waiting since release to even create my character.

I couldn't tell you why it's that way. What I do know is that the first patch contains over 200 fixes. They probably worked on the first patch while the DVDs were being pressed, getting ready for launch day. That's why the first patch came out 1-2 days after launch and the reason it contains so many fixes. Happened with Dead Rising 2 as well. It makes more sense to release a patch that already fixes a lot, rather than waiting to fix more. Now they know what is fixed and what isn't. And a lot of people do benefit from the patch, including me, in which case I haven't had one freeze since.
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Mrs Pooh
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 1:06 pm

I couldn't tell you why it's that way. What I do know is that the first patch contains over 200 fixes. They probably worked on the first patch while the DVDs were being pressed, getting ready for launch day. That's why the first patch came out 1-2 days after launch and the reason it contains so many fixes. Happened with Dead Rising 2 as well. It makes more sense to release a patch that already fixes a lot, rather than waiting to fix more. Now they know what is fixed and what isn't. And a lot of people do benefit from the patch, including me, in which case I haven't had one freeze since.

I understand the first patch fixed a lot, what I'm not sure of but as you said they would know. But at the same time, taking a look at this thread:

They only added to the complications with more bugs and glitches. Not sure if all of them are worthy of a patch. Something they probably didn't expect. A patch ready for launch day is basically saying - "Oops, we ran out of time". Release to comply with the deadline, and patch afterwards. Personally, I find that unacceptable, but it seems to be the norm nowadays. Not a lot we can do to be honest.
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Post » Wed Nov 30, 2011 1:01 am

Well, I've heard they're going to be releasing a patch at some point today, but when, I don't know, or even if they ARE coming out with one today. I am upset over this as well, but they're doing the best they can. I'm sure they'll have it fixed in no time, obviously this issue's been addressed. I've been passing the time with Secret of Evermore, but I'm positive it'll be fixed very soon.
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kelly thomson
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Post » Wed Nov 30, 2011 3:28 am

i got this game as a present for my birthday (10/24) and it was always freezing i downloaded the patch i installed the game it was working for a half hour last night and it got to a certain point and froze again=[.
now i cant even load a game i tried loading from a different save but it didn't what do i do i cant even play the game anymore are they coming out with another patch to fix this?=[

Thats suks mang. Have you tried delete your saved files and start over? Last resort of course.
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Dalton Greynolds
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 2:54 pm

Officially Fallout new vegas has red ringed 2 of my xboxs. the first 1 doesn't work just gets red rings and the other got them after it froze but I restarted and it was fine.

Honestly I don't understand how anyone with any competence could allow this game to be launched in the buggy state that it's in. Especially for the people who don't use live or Psn it must completely ruin the experience for them.

This game was not worth $60 and a game shouldn't be so buggy that when you launch it with out any patches it crashes; It's just unprofessional.

I believe that the money made from this game should go towards free DLC for xbox and Ps3. I'm not singling out the PC version but it just so happens that you guys get the patches earlier or you could just make your own. Currently if microsoft doesn't repair my xbox for free im going to be down $600 and if my other xbox red rings that it needs to be repaired ill be down $900.

But if your DLC is as buggy as the game is right now don't even dare make a trailer for it until you play test it 4 times all the different ways you could play it.
after play testing it somebody with some authority should watch the videos of you playing it to make sure you didn't cut any corners.
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Post » Tue Nov 29, 2011 5:45 pm

Officially Fallout new vegas has red ringed 2 of my xboxs. the first 1 doesn't work just gets red rings and the other got them after it froze but I restarted and it was fine.

Honestly I don't understand how anyone with any competence could allow this game to be launched in the buggy state that it's in. Especially for the people who don't use live or Psn it must completely ruin the experience for them.

This game was not worth $60 and a game shouldn't be so buggy that when you launch it with out any patches it crashes; It's just unprofessional.

I believe that the money made from this game should go towards free DLC for xbox and Ps3. I'm not singling out the PC version but it just so happens that you guys get the patches earlier or you could just make your own. Currently if microsoft doesn't repair my xbox for free im going to be down $600 and if my other xbox red rings that it needs to be repaired ill be down $900.

But if your DLC is as buggy as the game is right now don't even dare make a trailer for it until you play test it 4 times all the different ways you could play it.
after play testing it somebody with some authority should watch the videos of you playing it to make sure you didn't cut any corners.

i agree,you should start a thread about you getting the ROD from this game, i already heard from others that they got the ROD from this as well.Make it heard as a huge problem just from the 10 people Ive heard this from that should be 300$ for each person plus the game another 60$ they owe us all for this
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Post » Wed Nov 30, 2011 12:10 am

Notoriously lazy and incompetent programming team? They have released patches already for PC and other platforms and the game is exactly a week old today. As much as I hate the bugs, this is not exactly what I would call lazy. Some of these problems might be hard to fix. I seriously doubt they are just ignoring it since their sales depend upon fixing the game.

The one thing I have noticed on these forums is that gamers automatically become experts in programming when they are having problems.

Releasing a game that feels like it should still be in beta testing is what I would call lazy and incompetent.

They've yet to prove me wrong with the patch for the 360 that's been just as problematic as the original game for some people.
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