no no ... when i'm leave the vault after killing Elijah/ trapping him *either way i do it* when i get to the exit of the vault, it send me back to the suit where Christine is. Where you access the elevator to the vault. Either way I go, killing him or trapping him in the vault, i end up back in the suit and Christine is still just saying " Good luck in the vault...ect., ect., ect. the quest is finished, just for the part about "escape the vault before your collar explodes" , but no matter which way i go *as in killing or trapping Elijah* , i still end up back in the suit.
OHHHHHH the "suite" not "suit". Ok well um, something is not triggering, once you reach either the elevator Ejilah comes from, or trek all the way back through where you came, you should hit a cutscene that brings you back to the Villa Fountain. You sure you're completing it right? Sounds like a trigger is not being hit, even though it should be triggering.