Alternative to console cheats, maybe a reload? Although I know some people consider reloading a cheat as well.
I've never had a problem getting that sword, and I've never even played a stealth character. If a gigantic Nord with a full suit of heavy iron armor and 5 Sneak can take the sword without being seen, so can you.

I didn't even try to sneak, my plan was to simply get the sword, kill the guard with it, drop all of my gear and turn myself in outside.
Later I would return, put on my clothes and armor, and continue playing, only now with one of the best swords in the game.
Unfortunately, not everything went according to plan: First of all, I didn't even manage to kill the guard, so all of a sudden I had to flee the tower to avoid being slaughtered.
As soon as I went outside, another guard ran up to me proclaiming that I had earned a death warrant.
After being chased down a couple of hours by a small army of guards i was able to sneak into a pub called The Eight Plates.
Then I rented a room, dropped all of my stuff, (except for some clothes, lockpicks, etc.) and rested until 1 am.
Then I ran outside, jumped into the Odai river, escaped the guards and since then i've been wandering along the Bitter Coast region, waiting for someone to help me remove my bounty