Exactly.Improve it and make it useful if it is not as you suggest.
Nothing in Oblivion was less useful than horses in Oblivion if you ask me,and yet they are still here.
Titan is right on this account, however...
I doubt that, Oblivion had the same setup for city's and such and still had the skill.
The reason they removed it was likely to deal with the way the classless system works and that the skill was basically useless.
What I have failed to see anyone comment on was if the skill(s) where in the game what would prevent you from leveling the non combat skill really fast, or making the skill level so slowly it would be more of a pain then anything else. This would negativity affect the entire game due to the way the leveling system works.
I still stand firm on the fact that the skills are useless, and served no purpose. That's why they got rolled into stamina.
You are going to be walking anyway and there is no reason to have a skill for something you can not avoid doing.
The way stamina works covers the two skills in question nicely, and the weight of the armor you wear and how much you are carrying affects it too.
You can run faster than others if you are not wearing armor, or lighter armor and are carrying less.
It makes 0 (zero) sense that a person who is carrying more and wearing heavy armor can outrun those wearing no armor.
The fact of dragon born has exactly nothing to do with it, its just the ability to learn and speak the dragon language as easily as breathing when compared to others.
Again, the problem is these skills are all considered
equal by the game for the purposes of trying to balance the game's challenges to your level. A character who ranks up 50 levels in one-handed and block and heavy armor is going to have a huge numerical advantage in a fight compared to a character who has been leveling up other skills. For the game's skills to be balanced, they all need to provide benefits to the player in overcoming obstacles that put them on par with other skills.
This means that, for the game to be truly balanced, the ability to jump higher would need to be on par with
What do you do with a skill that isn't nearly as valuable as other skills when you need them to be equal? You bundle them up and put them together with other things that aren't quite as good, even if they don't match together terribly well.
So Bethesda did "fix" this, they just bundled it up with something else: Stamina.
That said, there is room for improvement, as a player could certainly use something like a "jump higher" spell or potion or having a Khajiit special racial passive ability of "runs x% faster and jumps y% higher" wouldn't be out of line, either.