The melee combat system stinks. I'm sure this is exaggerated because of the fact that I came out of 90hrs+ in Dark Souls to play Skyrim, but seriously... We could use a "target lock" feature, at minimum. I'm also quite disappointed with the lack of "tactile" feedback when engaged in melee combat. My sword feels like it's uselessly whiffing through thin-air every time I swing, and there's next to no feedback on a successful strike. No sound, no visual (other than health drain), no vibration. I feel totally disconnected from combat in this game.
Zombies. I created a hybrid melee/conjuror and went through the first dungeon with the "help" of my Animate Dead (summon zombie) spell. I put "help" in quotations because of one quite absurd AI issue... I finish taking-down an enemy in a room and think, "Great! Now, I can use his body as a zombie follower for the next battle!" I cast Animate Dead, the body (slowly) resurrects, and boom - zombie. We wander on ahead and come up against another encounter. Confident of my newfound power (strength in numbers), I charge into battle... but wait, where did my zombie go? I finish killing the mob myself, turn around to go find my zombie, and here he comes running back to me, weapon in-hand. He'd been summoned right next to his weapon, but perhaps decided to leave it there for safe-keeping? Then, in the face of combat, he decides to run all the way back and get it. Of course, I mean, what zombie would want to fight bare-handed? Two seconds later, *poof*, he disintegrates. Time!
In order to make a summoned zombie at all useful, I have to manually pick up the weapon the mob dropped and "place" it back in the corpse prior to conjuring. Please tell me the game wasn't designed that way. If I were summoned as a zombie, I'd pick up the nearest weapon AS SOON as I stood-up... bah. This spell is too much of a hassle to be worth it.
So yea:
- Target Lock
- More "tactile" combat (feedback on hit)
- Smarter zombies