I would suggest one or more of the below

1) Because Enclave are less inteligent
2) Enclave hesitation
3) BOS/lone wanderer taking initiative away from Enclave
4) Extremely weak leadership
5) No one left to take over from Autumn who failed miserably within minutes of taking power!
5) Over confidence
6) Enclave realised their whole ethos is flawed and wrong and just allowed themselves to be defeated (better than suicide)!
7) Isolation for so long has made them weak
8) Superior tech doesn't garantee victory (real life history repeats this over and over again)
9) Enclave are evil and evil deserves to lose muhahahaha

I would have to refute all or nearly all of these points...so let the debate begin! :toughninja:
1.) I see no reason to consider the Enclave less intelligent, any faction who has the most advanced technology in the wasteland and is
developing (yes developing, not scavenging the wasteland for tech like the brotherhood) obviously is "intelligent" in many respects.
2.) I would have to partly agree with you here but thats the whole point of this debate, why didn't the Enclave just sweep in? It doesn't make sense given their technological and military manpower (and the very poor security in the citadel....) why they didn't just hand the Brotherhood their walking papers. Simple answer: the writing of the story wouldn't let them
3.) Hmm? I don't understand, if anything the Enclave took more intiative than the brotherhood by securing the purifier. Elder Lyons
responded to the Enclave's attack, and they didn't seem to think the Enclave was a threat..until the Enclave had already swooped in.
4.) President Eden + Colonel Autumn= Two of the finest commanders I have ever seen (in a game). Don't see how they are weak.. (yes they had a disagreement but so did Lyons and the Outcasts)
5.) In broken steel we have a reference to an "Enclave High Command" so yes there were people to take over from Autumn and Eden.
5.) Why shouldn't they be confident? If anything their prolonged isolation suggests that they wanted to make sure they were ready (and were therefore not overconfident)
6.) Nope don't see that... no evidence that the Enclave decided to self-destruct
7.) Nope, if prolonged isolation turns you into a highly advanced military power with the only source of airpower (vertibirds) then I dont see a weakness there.
8.) No it doesn't.....but it sure helps (alot). There have been times in history where the "less advanced" military has won (often due to a war of attrition), but 90% of the time if an army is technologically superior in tactics and armaments....they win.
9.) Brotherhood are misguided religious fanatics who deserve to lose muhahaha! :gun:
Okay /end Enclave rant :whistling: