I'm not mastering ANY craft stuff until I hit the end-game.
Otherwise, you just make the enemies harder.
It's another stupid off-shoot of the Oblivion leveling system where you can gimp yourself if you JUMP too much.
I would argue with this.
Using alchemy, enchanting, and crafting to their maximum usefulness (100 skill rating/perked out to usefulness), it is easily possible to craft a set of gear, weapons, and accessories that allow a completely untrained character to surpass a skill 100 Heavy Armour, Block, One-hand fighter in ability. Just make sure to prepare fortify enchant potions, and use those to prepare fortify alchemy gear. Wash rinse repeat about 3-5 times, and you wind up with perfect enchanting. Then enchant fortify smithing gear/fortify alcehmy gear. Prepare fortify smithing and fortify enchant potions. Use gear and fortify smithing potions to craft "best" gear. Then use fortify enchant potions to enchant gear with the perfect fortify armour/weapon enchants on all associated gear (or other useful enchants). Then watch as you blow away the normal "mundane" character away as you wield your gear that boosts you to 150 heavy armour, with +200% damage increases to one handers.
The items in the world simply don't compare to the craftable items at high levels. Of course, good luck getting all the items prepared to craft this set of gear,