Well, just because I disagree on mines being useful doesn't mean I'm stupid or anything. As long as we can agree on that, right?

We're not going to call the Hague War Crimes Tribunal on me are we? Just because I hate mines?
Strategy aside, I prefer to shoot my targets, not throw mines near them and hope they run over them while walking towards me firing heavy machine guns.

I've run into plenty of challenges while playing this game. Some of us are not experts at video games. Plus, I just like the slow motion effects of VATS.
Also, I've seen enemies use cover before in this game. Although, most of the time it is by sheer blind luck that they move backwards as I'm charging my lasers. Er, my alien Blaster. I love that weapon.
I also hate companions. I don't know why, it's just not part of the game I like. Like Mines.
Also, the game is not really that hard without playing with FOOK 2. I was doing mostly fine on Normal Difficulty. Then I turned it down to Easy for an even more relaxing time.
I play games to have fun, relax, and enjoy myself, not scream in frustration when I die a lot.