What he is saying is that people who play the game first in non-hc mode will spoil the difficulty of hc mode. Cus ur playing hc mode for the difficulty not cus you wanna just play the game with it on. This wont make sens to alot of ppl.
But i agree with him. I WILL play the game (1st play through) on the highest difficulty and with hc mode on. Every game i play is on the highest difficulty for the challenge and honor XD.
Not cheating, but definitely easier, once you know where you can pick up food, water and where the free bedrolls are. Will be doing HC first time, as it will lose some of the immersion if I already know where everything is. Kinda takes some of the experience out of being a wasteland explorer, of the classic Fallout style.
Thank you guys this was my intent. As I said, I guess I used the wrong word "cheating" but I did't know what else to use.
I do not think I can play the game on the highest difficulty though, since I svck at the games big time, and die quite often so normal is good enough for me.

One thing from playing Point Lookout is I hate bullet sponges. I am afraid if I increase the difficulty level the enemies will be bullet sponges which for me, take out the fun.

Also her you can play hard core mode on the easiest setting if you like as well. Good to know you can increase or decreas the difficulty level even in hardcoe mode.