I'm new to posting on forums but am an avid reader of many of the vast topics covered and an experienced gamer.
My topic of choice thIs evening is the continued enjoyment and level of suprise at every conceivable event I find myself walking into; the following experience, though may not be unique or that special to some but it did generate genuine joyful suprise that it warranted me into coming here, to share and also ask out of curiosity as to any moments during your own quests, that made you genuinely go "wow" that was moment of truly unexpected events and result, that has also challenged my expectations and typical (perhaps) bad/easy way out gaming habbits of the past.
So here goes, I've only had the game a few days, I'm level 10 still getting to grips with the type of character I want to be, pretty even stats, weapons & the odd magic skill, currently enjoying working through missions and discovering new lands when I reach Windhelm and hear talk of a near by Dragon. Feeling adventurous I decide to take it on, the avid gamer in me knows I'm not ready and will no doubt be Drangon food but I continue none the less, I've already taken out 2 dragons (the 1st quest based & one I stumbled upon and got lucky with) but this is on open ground and as predicted on the 1st two attempts it circles me and takes me out without even trying but then.... As I attempt a different approach I stumble accross a nearby wicthes grove with a small shack, I deal with the witch but not before hearing the familiar music alerting me that I'm about to be greeted for a 3rd time by a rather unimpressed dragon.
I see a shadow at my feet, death comes from behind, my instincts kick in and I sprit for the shack, once inside I try to make a plan, unable to run I decide as the weaker opponent I'll use the shack for cover and hope these flimsy iron arrows will some how bring down the beast.
I aim with each passing fly over, unable to catch a target, then just behind the shack it lands, the rocks hide it from view but I can hear it, then as I take a breath and run to meet it something happened...a message on the screen "Challenge Compleate, Deafeat the dragon!" It's dead? I run over the rocks to find one dead dragon laying in the green steaming water, is the water harmful I think but no it's not that, as suddenly I see two mammoths and a giant gently strolling through the water next to the corpse, clearly they saw my feeble efforts and decided to show how it's done and between them saved me a 3rd ass-kicking.
I'm aware others do assist when in combat with dragons and that this is not exactly a breakIng news story but what it did do, which no game has ever done before, is instantly make my character feel a very tiny part of a huge world with so much yet to learn and achieve, wherein each and every character & creature can at any moment have any number of unexpected and suprising contributions to my story in ways you can't second guess and for that I say...Bravo to everyone involved!
And would be curious to hear any other tales of random, unpredicted moments that made you feel the same?
Thanks for reading!