battle mage strategy

Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:54 am

Hi. First post, new to the forums.

I am playing as an imperial right now. I am going the battle mage route. I seem to be having some difficulty with this route, and I have a feeling its something I am doing incorrect.

Imperial lvl 29
The mage stone
focusing on alchemy, smithing, enchanting, destruction, one hand, heavy armor (Is this too much to focus on?)
I have some perks in Resto for healing purposes.

Right now using Blade armor with some enchanted pieces and Mace of Molag bal. (Sp?)

Usually have a Destruc spell in my off hand.

Usually start a fight with a frost, fire or shock spell depending on the enemy. I will then proceed to use melee until death.
Usually I will use a shout or back away to heal up if needed.

I just want some advice from other players rolling the same as me to critique my strategy and give input on what exactly you guys think.

Should I invest in other schools of magic? Should I use a sword instead of a mace? Should I put more perks in that skill tree that this skill tree? etc etc..

It will also be cool If you can tell me how you play your battlemage. I am not dictating how you should post, however.

p.s. Just as clarification, I am in no way bashing the magic system.

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Amy Gibson
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 6:38 am

I just restarted as a battlemage type character focusing in destruction, one handed weapon, much of the restoration tree, a few points into enchanting, and then planning on putting points into heavy or light armor - haven't yet decided. I've been playing in almost a simliar fashion. I start the fight throwing destruction spells wearing down the enemies and then switch to melee to finish them off but when I switch to melee, destruction is replaced with restoration so I can quickly heal if needed. I am not sure how successful the play style will be later on though. I think armor and melee may end up being what keeps me alive while magic takes on more of a supporting role as opposed to now where it is the opposite.
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Stephanie Valentine
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:03 am

I posted a post very similar earlier!

Im level 10, dark elf. using heavy armour, 1H maces, destruction in my left hand and swapping it to restoration when i need it.

Ive been struggling somewhat with the elites etc. e.g bandit chiefs and such.

I can just about take them now, but then again you have to ask, is killing everything easy and fast that much fun? or are melee fights that take some real skill more entertaining?

Im also wandering if im playing corectly?

I shoot a rune on the floor when I can see enemies etc, then bolt them with destruction when they are near I usually shout at them and engage melee. The main issue is blocking and when there are several enemies its easy to get overwhelmed.

If you have any advice id love ot hear it!

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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:22 am

What is best to level? Stam, hp, or magicka?
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