I recently purchased a book that unlocked a spell that summons a 1 handed sword for me.
It's pretty, no question, but how can i tell how effective it is?! i am a warrior (health - 110, Magicka - 130, stamina - 220) and have plenty of 1H swords. most do about 18 DMG.
how can i tell how good this weapon is compared to my physical weapons?
Good question. I don't know the answer, but there are perks that affect conjured weapons in the Conjuration tree, and I was interested in whether conjured weapons, this tme around, can be boosted to be offset the inherent disadvantage that you can't enchant them. I've never bothered much with Bound weapons in previoous games, but the fact that you can get them to Soultrap makes them interesting, especially since the Conjuration skill is so valuable.
Of course, what you're asking for - a numerical answer - won't help you much because the same weapon does different damage against different mobs depending on your skill, your perks, their armour, their level etc. What you really want to know is 'Can I kill stuff with it' and I'm guessng that the answer is 'you betcha'.