I just thought I'd throw this out there for those of you who are interested in playing with some intelligent (although this could be argued on some days, haha), mature, PS3 gamers.
If you're looking for a "clan" (we use this term loosely as you can see below) check us out. If nothing else, it's another forum location where you can connect with friends and such to talk about Crysis 2, Homefront, Killzone 3, Black Ops, plan playtimes, etc.
We're a little different than most groups, in that we're only mature gamers and don't have any sort of designated leader.
Here is our very unofficial "pitch".
Growing tired of traditional gaming clans and their pseudo military org structures (i.e. I'm the mighty leader so all you video gamers follow me) we made the clan "Not A Clan" [NAC] (aka: NAC Gaming.) Yes, we see the irony in the name.
If you're an advlt who spends your week "working for the man" and you want a relax and hang with some chill guys, instead of taking orders from high-and-mighty video game leaders with all the drama that many clans seem to have, join us.
As with all shooter clans, mics are preferred here as it makes teamwork easier. We have no real serious or silly requirements and although we do like to win, skill is not the only thing that matters to us. We just ask that you be yourself and like to have a good time. We have guys who consistently perform with KDR's in excess of 3/1 and guys who are in the sub 1/2 range and everywhere in between. And, yes we DO TALK STRATEGY in addition to joking around and having a good time.
We realize this kind of group might not be for everyone. But if you're anything like our guys, it's a breath of fresh air. If you're interested in joining a group that is not pretentious and puts having a good time and casual gameplay first, check out NAC Gaming[/color]
You can express interest by clicking the "apply" button on our website. Or if you'd prefer you can just send me a friend request (PSN ID: Aquayonex)