Remove enchanted "glow" from just one item

Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:04 am

I have some armors that I want to not have the enchanted glow. I'm not very familiar with how mods like "No glow" work, but it seems like generally all enchanted glow is either game wide glow or not. How could the glow be removed from specific items without effecting the rest of the game's items?

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Captian Caveman
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:59 am

As far as I know, you can't remove it from just one or several items.

The only workaround I can think of is scripting an item so that when you equip it, it gives you the effects of the enchantment, but the item itself is unenchanted. Trouble is, the player could then enchant the item, effectively giving it a "double enchantment" :P
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Mr. Allen
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:32 am

I'm still hoping for better, but I'm afraid you're right... thanks anyway, eh?
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evelina c
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:20 am

Danjb could be on the right track with a solution...

Something I've never tried before is setting the items enchant level to 0. The scripted effect is taken care of, and the player is prevented from adding another effect and hence the magic wrap texture.
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Sophie Payne
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 9:13 am

Yeah, that could work. You'd just need to attach this script (untested) to the object:

Begin neil_enchant_scriptshort equippedif ( equipped == 1 )	if ( Player->HasItemEquipped "your_armour_id_here" == 0 )		Player->RemoveSpell "enchantment_ability"	endifelseif ( Player->HasItemEquipped "your_armour_id_here" == 1 )	Player->AddSpell "enchantment_ability"	set equipped to 1endifEnd

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Marlo Stanfield
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 10:39 am

Danjb could be on the right track with a solution...

Something I've never tried before is setting the items enchant level to 0. The scripted effect is taken care of, and the player is prevented from adding another effect and hence the magic wrap texture.

Removing the glow isn't a "must-do" sort of thing, so the mod can function without that. I guess it's a personal taste sort of thing. I've never cared for the magic wrap, but I know some others do. I'll try the scripting, and see what happens.

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Tanika O'Connell
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:39 am

As far as I know, you can't remove it from just one or several items.

The only workaround I can think of is scripting an item so that when you equip it, it gives you the effects of the enchantment, but the item itself is unenchanted. Trouble is, the player could then enchant the item, effectively giving it a "double enchantment" :P

Isn't it possible to just make the item have a Zero enchant value? That way no enchantments would actually fit on it?


Just saw Miles_Acraeus said something similar.
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Nikki Lawrence
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 2:16 am

Yeah, that could work. You'd just need to attach this script (untested) to the object:

Begin neil_enchant_scriptshort equippedif ( equipped == 1 )	if ( Player->HasItemEquipped "your_armour_id_here" == 0 )		Player->RemoveSpell "enchantment_ability"	endifelseif ( Player->HasItemEquipped "your_armour_id_here" == 1 )	Player->AddSpell "enchantment_ability"	set equipped to 1endifEnd

That code looks good, but I have yet to try it. I think there may be an issue with the ability though.

Let me explain what I'm doing, and that might help. I'm creating a mod for people who want to play nasty assassins. I want to provide variety in the place and manner of assassinations, and in this instance I am creating a costume party. The guests will be wearing masks, wigs, helms, or a combination of all three which, when combined with varieties of armor and clothing will make it difficult to tell which guest is the target. I intend for that to add a degree of difficulty to the quest.

I don't want the armors to be valuable in themselves, so I have given them a health of 5 (which provides an interesting strip tease effect during combat) and I want to add a cumulative burden effect. so, if there are 8 pieces of armor and each one adds a burden of 15 points. the cumulative burden should be 120. I guess I could write a ability spell for each type of armor (cuirass, bracer, greaves, etc. but that seems a bit clunky... I don't think abilities are cumulative if it's different instances of the same ability, are they?.
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Amy Siebenhaar
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:29 pm

That code looks good, but I have yet to try it. I think there may be an issue with the ability though.

Let me explain what I'm doing, and that might help. I'm creating a mod for people who want to play nasty assassins. I want to provide variety in the place and manner of assassinations, and in this instance I am creating a costume party. The guests will be wearing masks, wigs, helms, or a combination of all three which, when combined with varieties of armor and clothing will make it difficult to tell which guest is the target. I intend for that to add a degree of difficulty to the quest.

I don't want the armors to be valuable in themselves, so I have given them a health of 5 (which provides an interesting strip tease effect during combat) and I want to add a cumulative burden effect. so, if there are 8 pieces of armor and each one adds a burden of 15 points. the cumulative burden should be 120. I guess I could write a ability spell for each type of armor (cuirass, bracer, greaves, etc. but that seems a bit clunky... I don't think abilities are cumulative if it's different instances of the same ability, are they?.

The costume party sounds like a cool idea! :)

If the abilities indeed don't stack, then I think you will need to just create a different burden "ability" for each piece of armour, as you rightly suggested. 8 abilities for 8 pieces of armour isn't so bad ;)
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