Note: Latest Nvidia drivers installed on GeForce GTX 580 , 6 core EE processor, 8GB ram on Win764.
1. Started a new game after playing to level 15. Said level 15 char got overwritten and is now gone after starting a "new" game. Be careful here, backup your saves manually before starting a new game.
2. As we all know major issues with shadows. Flickering. Turning off/on randomly. Even with settings on high the shadows are very bad. I've seen better shadows on the commodore 64.
3. Weapon switching, favorites, fast spell selection - Randomly lose hot key, can't quick select.
4. Don't need to go into detail here as we all know, major problems with items flying all over the world. After opening the chest in my house it started floating around the room.
5. Been stuck in several dungeons, had to use load game to get out. Seems to be random, not pin-pointed to any certain place.
6. We all know most vendors don't carry enough gold, but I went back to the same vendor after 3 days, 6 days, 9 days (in game time) and the same vendors had less than 90 gold. They are not getting re-supplied on gold. By design? Issue? Bug?
7. Getting killed by dragons with one spell all the way up to level 15. Haven't been able to kill one yet due to this. Don't say its my build, it has nothing to do with that.
8. Screen goes blank during load times occasionally (entering dungeons, cities, etc). Can't get screen back unless I alt-tab in and out.
9. Bought a horse, attempted to use said horse - labels that I am stealing it when I own it. Bug? Doing something wrong here?
10. I've crafted 9 items without needing the required items.
11. Twice now after leveling up and quick saving after, quitting, loading game, I'm back down one level.
12. Been sent on several quests that when I reached the location the monsters that attacked me killed me with 2-3 shots. I tried for over an hour, had no chance. Shouldn't be sent on quests that char can't somewhat have a chance to complete.
Bethesda, the game is wonderful setting aside the massive slew of bugs/glitches but I have to quit until a major patch arrives. I don't want my experience ruined any further.
Did this game even get tested at all? I have a feeling there was very very little QA testing on this game.