» Fri Dec 02, 2011 3:43 pm
As a combat game, Morrowind was poor in its own day, and unacceptable now. As a RPG, it's still unmatched. There are mods to bring the textures and most of the meshes up to more modern standards, but the animations are still as poor as ever. Compare that to OB, which was a better combat game, but a poorer RPG. So far, it's sounding as if Skyrim is an even better combat/adventure game, but even less (if possible) of an RPG than Oblivion. Oddly, combat was far more "direct" in MW than in OB, with variable attack strength based on how far back you drew the weapon, and with 3 different forms of attack, although the total lack of "miss" animations made it frustrating at low skill levels when your weapon repeatedly appeared to pass harmlessly through the opponent.
Choices that matter, consequences for siding with one faction or another, and opportunities sacrificed for their alternatives, were much less in the sequel games. The removal of failure, and the need/ability to manage failure, turn the later "games" into little more than "activities", in my opinion. That's not to say that MW didn't have lots of room for improvement, or that the failure rates weren't unnecessarily harsh at low levels, but the total removal of that system, like so much else that was removed, is hardly compensated for by the later-gen graphics, physics, and NPC voicing and schedules.
Most importantly, the limited levelling and almost total absence of scaling of both opponents and loot made it a challenge to survive at low level, unless you stuck to the more civilized areas, but you could take as much or as little risk as you liked to try for greater rewards. The game didn't adapt to you, it allowed you to adapt to it and take things at whatever pace you liked. Sadly, the devs never thought that characters would continue to be played at such high levels, so the challenge drops off sharply above L20 or so, unless you play the expansions.
If you like exploring a strange new world, with a vibrant and unique culture that has real backgrounds, motives, and opinions, but NPCs that oddly stand or pace around the same place 24/7, then it's still a viable game. If you want action, excitement, and glitter......this isn't the game you're looking for, move along.