» Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:53 am
Ya lock picking is a friggin joke. Why get perks when at level 15 Iockpicking skill I easily, I'm talking 8 lock picks broken total, cracked an expert lock. Now I'm level 50 lockpick and have not taken a single perk, have 99+ lock picks and it's stupid.
Anyone who doesn't know how to do this is a moron. The lockpick can be rotated 180 degrees. Cut that into quarter sections, start at the first quarter and see if the lock moves at all, continue until the lock finally moves. Now just move the pick up or down a tiny bit until the lock opens. Too easy, and too bad that lockpicking is one of the worst skills in the game. I'm tempted to get that perk for 50% better treasures, but I already find enough cool stuff that I never will bother.