While Story and Gameplay wise its one of the best games I've ever played, FNV is by far and away the undisputed worst console game "Product" I've ever spent more than $20US on.
I am dumbfounded that a company the scale of Bethesda and its subsidiaries or partners could or would release and continue to poorly manage a product at this quality level.
I mean, a letter to the community of apparently "loyal" Fallout fans, and new customers, showing some sort of respect or appreciation for keeping the faith thus far is in order.
Its a double slap in the face that we dont even hear from them, in the sense of acknoledging or appreciating our commitment and expense thus far.
Perhaps its time to write some letters of my own... Im sure the voice-over actors they hired would not appreciate being aligned with such poor quality of the final product. What good is a pretty Mercedes Benz if the thing doesnt run. Looks good but, um...
1: Lol I had a good laugh at this one. The story was as limp as...well you get where I am going with this (hopefully). The new aspects I think were shoddily done as well. It's a bit annoying to get kicked out of the crafting screen everytime you craft something. Also you can repair anything and everything to 100% even if your Repair skill is as low as can be, yet there are people in the wasteland that can only repair to 75% etc. Wtf? hardcoe mode is a complete joke. I am playing and have only played on Very Hard difficulty and the only place I have had any trouble was with the Nightkin in the basemant of the REPCONN Test Site or whatever the name of that place is.
2: The reason they were able to release this game in the trash state that it is in, is because truthfully, people continue to buy their products regardless. The only way this will stop is if people stop buying their products. (Which is unlikely to happen.)
3: They are a big company you really think they will show any respect to us lowly customers?
4: One big reason that we will not hear too much about patching etc. is because of the fact that Obsidian developed the title and I am sure that the people over there aren't looking at this forum too much. Also read # 3.
5: Letters will probably just be filed away in the trash barrel. But feel free to write them I know I have, but as I said they probably just file them all away under T for Trash.