if you have 100 smithing use it! upgrading certain weapon with perks simply doubles its damage. and armor get monstrous boost with just one upgrade too...but if you took light armor route you might be out of options...as there are much fewer armor/weapon types you can upgrade. note you can only upgrade your gear to the fullest if you have that specific perk.
Wait a second.. Why on earth would you go the light-armor route? You end up at Dragon gear at the end regardless.. And Daedric (beast heavy armor and weapons in game) is on the heavy armor side.. I'm sorry but your logic escapes me.
I had primarily been using light armor up to that point. That's not really that hard to understand
Congrats, friend. You just power-leveled yourself into an amazing blacksmith.. at the expense of being the equivalent of a warm M&M. Cute little shell, but on the inside; soft and squishy. power-level fail :facepalm:
Sort of/not really. If you're getting your butt handed to ya, don't burn valuable perks on the heavy tree just to hit daedric.
Still, glass weapons upgraded properly should still be comparatively effective. Have you enchanted your gear yet?
Wait... Why would he need perks for heavy armor for a weapon made of heavy armor material??? Shouldn't he just need to be proficient in one/two-handed??? Confusion!
Having cool armor is all well n good, but you also need decent attacking skills. As a general rule for my character (I play 2 handed warrior), I never level smithing higher than my primary attack skill (2 handed) as to not level up too quickly and gimp myself like it appears you have done. This is important for me as I play on Expert.
This is actually sound advice. I can still implement this as I am still around Riverwood and chopping wood. Can I ask if this approach affected you negatively somehow?
I am currently a level 3 Nord, focusing on one-hand [ Dual-wielding ] / Light armour [ I want that Elven/Glass ] / Smithing and Restoration just comes when I am in heavy battle. Would this approach allow a balanced progression and accumulation of gear and skill together?