With auto saves off I get the same Blackscreen. I have let it sit black with no sound or noise for over 10 minutes before with no sign of stopping and fearing damage I haven't let it go over 10 minutes.
UPDATE - Literally killed my 360. Stopped reading disc's all of a sudden. I was excited. I thought oh my issue was just a bad xbox...... Bought new slim 360, & swapped game hoping that the disc or hardware was the issue..... No such luck. I spent the day loading saves, & getting the same dreaded blackscreen when trying to get to any of the endings.
I was at 90 hours of game play, reset back on every save to hour 57 and am able to zone into vegas without the crash. What happened in hour 57. I killed Ceasar. I then went and chose to help Mr house, i gave chip watch his robo demo & sure enough when trying to zone out of the lucky 38.... blackscreen. So I sterilize House, and try to zne out of lucky 38, blackscreen.
I say ok screw it & restart with a new game on a new harddrive from the new system. I throw everything into int & cha & get science & speech up only. I run down the road to new vegas, pass a robo speech check & zone into vegas. I go straight to house, then pay benny a visit, and whack him in the room. When I return to lucky 38 when i try to zone back out no matter my choice inside.... BLACKSCREEN..........
I LOVE THE GAME!!! Please let me finish it!!!!!
Other bugs
Van de grafff's - after completeing guard duty, when guard goes inside I picked the locker & grab the van de graff armour I was just wearing... Once picked upm, it cannot ever be traded, dropped, and the weight does count. - this + hardcoe mode = grrrr
Vegas Strip North entrance - Requires Key non-exsistant key- Took all gear off to verify not a faction issue, I have a pass, & passed an early robo speech check. Can however take the train in the other side still, but will always blackscreen entering into North Vegas Strip Once inside the 38 or gamorah.
Speech Check loops - There are countless speech check loops, where you can redo speech checks in conversation infinate times. An example of this is found in the Camp Mcarren after getting the quest to get the research data from vault 22 if you talk to the doctors assistant, you can ask about the doctor, pass a 25 speech check for 33xp, ask what she does then ask about the doctor again, and pass the same 25 speech check for the same 33xp, wash rince repeat it is infinite.
I took launch week off to play through this game. The story is marvelous. I love the game, have spent over 100 hours in game & would love it a lot more if I could see one of the endings, please.