Basically, I've got a prison guard who carries a Command Creature staff, and a bunch of prisoner goblins who have their aggression set to 0 and basically just stand around. However, I'm trying to hint to the player that it'd be a good idea to use the Command Creature staff to rescue these prisoners. My understanding is that under normal circumstances these goblins would be commanded by the player and fight for him/her. That's all well and good, but I thought I'd use the opportunity for some puzzle-solving.
Basically, I want to give these prisoner goblins an AI package that only works when they're Commanded, which makes them run off and activate a hard to find switch or something, or they find a hidden key and give it to the player. The thing is, I don't know if this will work, on account of those Command spells pretty much overriding the existing AI packages.
So, what I'd like to know, is there any way to not override my AI packages, but also get these goblins to perform certain tasks when Commanded, and THEN once they're done, be treated like a normal Commanded creature?