Also the Aim assist needs to be a rank dependant feature and frankly disabled after rank 10 when you come out of the noob play list because by then you should really be a competant enough player to aim without assistance.
The reason im putting forward the health buff/bar and removal of aim assist (after a certain rank) is because i believe this could help with the game and its inconsistencies so people would have a better understanding of how exactly yhe armour works and when you being to loose health in armour mode and when you dont.
higher health & removed aim assist would also discourage the current situation we have of spray and pray and encourage better placed shots and also allow you to not worry about somebody praying and psaying and dropping you with what seems like 4 bullets.
Im just putting this forward because I see alot of COD gamers now jumping on this game using the old Call of duty spray and aim in technique which only works because of the strong aim assist. I know we have to cater to new players on this game but surely the only under rank 10s is enough to get them up to speed on how to play the game especially since it takes a while to rank up.
Id just like to see a more tactile skill based game were tactics, teamwork and aiming ability win the day rather than rushing in spraying with aim assist and rapid fire on a feline or Scar.
lets be honest I think they were targeting a more hardcoe audience with this game given the learning curve and non pick up and play aspect that it offers so why deviate?