I've encountered a strange problem in that the ambient sound effects from one of the vaults (Vault 22) seems to follow me around even when outside of the vault.
Enterting new areas merely makes it overlap with their ambient sound effects and I can't seem to get rid of it in any way.
Annoyingly I don't have a save before this location to reload and see if I can recreate this same bug as I carried on playing for a while after I had completed the vault (it was late at night and I was tired so my observational skills were low) and I didn't really notice until I started up the game today and I started hearing it.
Now I've noticed it I can't stop hearing it and I'm tempted to start a new game just to stop it even though I'm on a 38 hour save here :/
Does anyone know of a location that may fix this or if its a known bug and might be fixed in a patch?
At least its not that DLC corruption savegame bug, if I go into the Repconn Test Site then that will cause the DLC bug to happen for me, so I avoid going in there