- Just what is the ratio between this "Majors are faster than Misc." and "Lower is faster than higher stat"? Surely a Misc. Light Armor at 5 will raise to 6 with less hits taken than Major Heavy from 99 to 100, or...? Where's the limit? What's the formula?

It takes 100 points to raise a skill level. The number of points received for the completion of each
successful action is governed by the following formula:
T = 3,4,or 5 Depending on Major (3), Minor (4). or Misc. (5)
S = Specialization Bonus = 1.25 For the 9 skills in COMBAT, MAGIC, or STEALTH
L = Skill Level
F = A skill specific constant
Values for F
1.2 .......Axe
1.0 .......All other weapon skills
1.0 .......All armor skills (including Unarmored)
1.0 .......All castable spell skills
0.4 .......Armorer
0.15......Acrobatics - Jumping
3.0 .......Acrobatics - Falling
2.0 .......Security - Lockpick
3.0 .......Security - Probe
0.5 .......Alchemy - Eating
2.0 .......Alchemy - Mixing
0.1 .......Enchant - Casting a spell using an enchanted item
5.0 .......Enchant - Recharging an item using a soul gem
sec/4....Sneak - sec = ~time in sneak mode
sec/50..Athletics - sec = ~time running
sec/17..Athletics - sec = ~time swimming
Mercantile: Depends on the % difference between the offered price and the bartered price.
The higher the %, the higher the F.
(The F values are listed in WIKI in the upper right hand corner of each Skill page).