I think you would have to have a good sum of money to ever retire in the wasteland. And if thats the case the only reason they woul;d settle in a crappy Megaton was due to the fact that the Capital Wasteland is cesspool.
You also got too remember that theya re a little too old to be alive around teh time of teh Master. Ohh gotcha there. :whistling:
And if tehy had teh comforts of big city like and children back in the big city, do you really think they would rish trade routes east, on the frontier, and go so far east as to never be able to return for their children.
The Enclave had some notoriety in the Core Region, if I knew about them and found them in DC I wouldn't want to stay.
Retiring in the wasteland isn't that hard when everything is super cheap which it is in DC. Everything you need is all around you. If you have a good outdoor skill getting food isn't that hard. Keep in mind they aren't paying taxes or medical costs. If they were poor, retiring in the Core Region would be alot harder, because there they have to pay taxes and things aren't just given away dirt cheap.
I wasn't saying they were alive when the Master was around.. I was just pointing out that being in a Caravan is very dangerous and I was listing an extensive list of how dangerous it is.
The Enclave at the time of Fallout 2 was working with people in the wasteland. They were not like they are in Fallout 3. In Fallout 2 they were going to New Reno on their free time, they were making deals with mob families. Having caravans around them wouldn't be out of place. Or Nathaniel might have spent time with Enclave in New Reno or he went to Navarro, or both.
Maybe abandoned is to strong of word. They could have easily just left Manny with family or friends.
You also seem to think no place in the wasteland is safe, yet besides the Den and New Reno, all the loctions are very safe to raise kids. Out in the wasteland with alot of valuable items that make you a target to every raider and ass with a gun, not to mention deathclaws and other creatures.
Nathaniel and Manya could have made it to DC, but by the time they got their they were to old and it would take to long to get back. Maybe the path they took to DC was taken over by a hostile faction and they couldn't go back. Enclave being in DC would make an Enclave loving nut want to stay. What's his 70-80 something year old wife going to do? You really think she would dump him and try to head back across the country on her own?
The theory has some good ground. All you are saying is "they couldn't possibly leave their sons(s) behind." Or along the lines of "being in a caravan is a cake walk."