The Morrowind Awards #4: Favorite Creature

Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:04 am

Previous Winners

[spoiler]Morrowind Award #1 Favorite NPC: Crassius Curio

The witty Crassius Curio managed to grasp the win in a close battle against Divyath Fyr.
Confirming that six even in Morrowind does in fact sell?

Morrowind Award #2 Favorite Town/City: Balmora

Balmora won the second Morrowind Award a mile ahead of the other contenders.
I do not know how though. I mean, Crassius Curio does not even live there.

Morrowind Award #3 Favorite Faction: House Telvanni

House Telvanni won and there was really no contest. The great house Telvanni won but:
I wonder if Telvanni is really really that much better OR if the only people who stick around in Morrowind forums after so many years just so happen to be Telvanni fans.- The.Z.Man.[/spoiler



Mudcrabs are often the first creatures any new character encounters. Aside from the big bad Silt Strider. They are perfect too, they look cool and 'alien'. I believe most of you is that this 'Alienness' made Morrowind awesome. Also, Mudcrab Merchant.


Guars are often seen as the cutest animals in Morrowind. Just look at those dinosaurs with those bags on their back. Ofcourse there are also the Wild Guars and their battling instincts makes them both cute and deadly. Of course, those two put together equals awesomeness.

Ascended Sleeper

Ascended sleepers are some of the strongest vanilla creatures around and everything about them is badass. From their Cthulhu like appearance and their horrifying name to their wicked combat skills. Seriously though, everyone was scared the first time they saw this thing turn itself around in the dark. Also they can talk and their dialogue is great.


We all know that feeling after you have killed your first mudcrab. You feel free and on top of the world, but then. Then you encounter this. The shatterer of a thousand hopes, receiver of a thousand curses, the cause of thousands of shed tears and millions of silent ones. Then you encounter the scrib. It seems harmless it does not even attack you. But then it paralyzes you and you can only wait in fear as this creature takes away your hitpoints. One by one.

Karma's a [censored].

Bull Netch

Perhaps the most alien creature on this list. Isn't that the asc Majestically floating above mere mortals, gazing down upon us insects from his sky world which mysteries live us in awe. This creature is the Bull Netch and to me personally it defines Morrowind. A world where you never know what just might happen, a world full of mysteries. No seriously these guys are awesome, go ask anyone else.

More Rambling!!!

So, I would like to know some things. If you have some time please answer some of this questions. Because I have some other things coming besides the Morrowind awards.

- Did you enjoy the Morrowind Awards so far? What could be better?
- Would you be interested in new projects? (Not necessarily the same)
- What kind of rewards could I still do?
- ...
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