I joined every guild and have done maximum of 2 quests in each apart from the MQ
Main quest - 6 quests done
Companions - 2 quests done
College of Winterhold - 0 quests done
Dark Brotherhood - 2 quests done
Thieves Guild - 2 quests done The Bards College - 0 quests done
Stormcloaks - 2 quests done
Daedric Quests - 0 quests done
Only 3 side quests completed so how have people done every quest line in 30-40 hours?
Do they just rush to every quest wiythout enjoying the game? I do not get it
Im 20 hours into the game on my 3rd character, that I settled with. and am still doing companion quests in white run.
I have done 4-5 quests in main story line. And after that picked up 2 kill bandit leader quests, but otherwise just done companion quests.
I mean, I just feel that even the side quest lines, is so interesting and well done.
I got completely absorbed in the companion ship and the quests I get there. Amazing.
Im in no hurry to finish off the main story, as a matter of fact, it seems a little dull compared to some of the side quests you can get.
And that said, the main story is very interesting so far.
I have just come to the point im going to a party, without spoling too much but so people know where I am.
I have located a huge amount of caves and temples in skyrim through exploring but not gone in there yet, thats the next project. But first Im trying to figue our if the nearby villages have a possible quest there or not.
Eitherway, I like the fact that you can enter a dungeon, find a unique item,. and get it even if you dont have the quest for it. And when you find the quest giver, you can turn said item in.
its not something that pops up just cause you have the quest, but its there.
There is so much to explore.
I cant understand people already completed the main story. They for sure did not spend much time with the side quests and exploring.
As with most tes games, some of the most interesting encounters and wonderful places you visit, comes from the side quests you pick up.
People completing the main story and are done with the game, have not only ruined the experience, they have utterly missed the point with the Elder Scrolls series.
Im not even interested in the main story much, just enough so I slowly get going.