:/ wardens key is getting annoying to use ... where can i ge

Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:12 am

i activated a stone of some sort and recieved a spell that lets me open hard locks once a day was useful for abit now i keep comming across chest with average or over locks on them and sleeping 24 hours in the middle of a dungeon ruin cave is getting kind of tedious and annoying so where can I buy a spell that will allow me to unlock hard locks when ever i want or do i have to make it ?

also about my staff for last 10 levels i've been useing the staff from the tutorial with the goblin head on it (one of the best looking staffs in game ) any way I was going to ask why this didn't have a durability stat on it when after i ran out of soul gems i went and got it recharged in skingrad (bravil apparently doesnt have a recharger person) and now it has a durability stat ... how do i keep this stat from depleting now my armourer isnt level 50 yet so i cant repair magic items or is that at level 75 ?

also just reached level 78 conjuration what summons should i keep an eye out for ? or should i just buy a summon spell every time i see it like that summon scamp for 20 seconds and then the summon flame atronach for 30 seconds ? also why is conjuration so easy to level i've been useing this skill to train my destruction :/ my destruction is still around level 53-54

and with that stuff out of the way where can i find necromancers that respawn ? i found some at dark fissure cave one my fav places for necromancer slaying (especially when they all spawn as high elves and even my weakest fire ball 1 hit kills them and sends them flying) there was also the howling cave near where the KotN priory would spawn but im not sure if the necromancers respawn there or not and as of recently i found an ayelied ruin but i forget which one it was and it wasn't very big or maybe it was i know last elven ruin i entered was a single room but had bandits inside :/

whens the best level to install the shivering Isles its my favourite DLC but i want to get a more powerful frenzy spell (frenzy is amazing unless used on a guard :/ why are guards immune to frenzy? )

is there any one who always has soul gems for sale ? like even after you buy them out of stock and re open the shop they'd still have soul gems like most the NPC's that sell armourer hammers will still always have hammers for sale ?
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Solène We
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:43 am

EF : I know you like hanging about the forums, but a lot of this stuff is just a http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Oblivion.
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Claire Jackson
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 8:37 am

EF : I know you like hanging about the forums, but a lot of this stuff is just a http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Oblivion.

i doubt i'll find an answer to most the questions in this thread on the wiki the 1st one probably the second ?
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City Swagga
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:33 pm

i doubt i'll find an answer to most the questions in this thread on the wiki the 1st one probably the second ?

actually you can find all of your answers on the wiki. for example the open hard lock spell can be found http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Spells just scroll down a little bit or use the browsers find function and search for open and it will take you right to it. in the right column is a list of names of the people who sell said spell. You just need to learn how to get around the wiki and you can find all the answers you have.

to recharge enchanted items you have to go to a mage that can do the recharging, or use Varla Stones that can be found in Ayleid Ruins. having repair up does not affect recharging, it just effects if you can repair the item. you should also perhaps look into buying a new staff. Rindir in the Imperial City Market district for example sells staffs. or if you get to the Arcane University one of the first quests give you a staff.

as to necromancers. all the ruins, caves and what now respawn things after so many days, or at least most do. again though check the wiki. http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Places is a list of all the places in the game. to the right of the name is a short description that gives a general location and short overview of what kind of things can be found inside. use your browsers find function and search for necromancer.
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Vickey Martinez
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:03 am

Actually, you will find answers to about any question. But as for the staff, all staves, with the exception of only 1 or 2, do not degrade. That is unless you get hit with a Degrade Weapon Spell. I'm not sure if blocking with a stave, degrades it or not. I have never entertained that move. Although it seems possible that it would.

Ah! Ninjd

But still, I hope I helped with the staff q.
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Yung Prince
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 4:14 pm

to recharge enchanted items you have to go to a mage that can do the recharging, or use Varla Stones that can be found in Ayleid Ruins. having repair up does not affect recharging, it just effects if you can repair the item. you should also perhaps look into buying a new staff. Rindir in the Imperial City Market district for example sells staffs. or if you get to the Arcane University one of the first quests give you a staff.

no prior to getting the staff i was using recharged by an NPC it had no durability stat what so ever just a value of the item and weight everythign else was blank now it has stats like every otehr epice fo equip i find and sinc eit now out of no where has a durability stat i was wondering how to stop it from degrading if it will degrade in 1st place
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Amiee Kent
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:13 pm

no prior to getting the staff i was using recharged by an NPC it had no durability stat what so ever just a value of the item and weight everythign else was blank now it has stats like every otehr epice fo equip i find and sinc eit now out of no where has a durability stat i was wondering how to stop it from degrading if it will degrade in 1st place

Staves do NOT degrade from casting.
They might degrade from blocking, with them.
They will degrade from being hit by a Disintegrate Weapon Spell.
If they do become degraded, and you do not have an Armorer Skill of 50, you can have them repaired by any Weapon / Armor merchant.
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Kelly John
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:49 am

A couple of suggestions...

Since you like that Goblin staff, you might want to raid some Tribal Goblin dungeons, and get an even better Shaman's staff. That tutorial staff is weak compared to most of the staffs in the game.

If you're level 78 in Conjuration, you should get a Clannfear. It's the best overall summon, since it's aggressive, tends to target the bad guys very well, and has a nice long duration. Athragar in Chorrol is the only one who sells the spell.
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Daniel Holgate
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:40 am

A couple of suggestions...

Since you like that Goblin staff, you might want to raid some Tribal Goblin dungeons, and get an even better Shaman's staff. That tutorial staff is weak compared to most of the staffs in the game.

If you're level 78 in Conjuration, you should get a Clannfear. It's the best overall summon, since it's aggressive, tends to target the bad guys very well, and has a nice long duration. Athragar in Chorrol is the only one who sells the spell.

can i summon more than one summon at a time? if they diffrent summons of course
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Alyesha Neufeld
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 3:23 pm

Yes, the tutorial staff is very week.

Recommend trying Derelict Mine on the road just east of Skingrad. I think it has two staffs (staves?).

The frenzy spell from Shivering Isles is not leveled. It's not a great spell either. I think frenzy will work on guards, but in the unmodded game they are about 10 levels above your character. So you'd need a powerful frenzy spell. And when they reach level 25 you would need to cast a level 25 spell with no armor (ie 100% spell effectiveness). But a level 25 spell at 100% effectiveness should work on NPCs about level 25.

If you want something to help pick locks, of course the Skeleton Key comes to mind.

In the unmodded game you can only summon one summons at a time. I believe you can have bound armor/weapons and still summon help.

At expert level I recommend Clanfear, Daedroth, and Faded Wraith.

Clanfear is fast and aggressive. Daedroth is a meat shield, Faded Wraith is fun if your enemies have normal weapons - for example you get to watch a warlord swing a ebony warhammer at a wraith with no damage!

EDIT: Oh, and some of my favorite Necromancer dungeons are Fort Istirus and For Linchal west of Skingrad; and Mackamentain and Wendelbek east of Bravil across the Niben Bay.
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Marina Leigh
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:53 am

In the unmodded game you can only summon one summons at a time. I believe you can have bound armor/weapons and still summon help.

I can confirm this, as I've recently been playing a pure Conjurer. You can have as many bound armor items as your magicka permits, one bound weapon, and one summoned creature, at the same time.
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Adam Baumgartner
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 8:09 am

In the unmodded game you can only summon one summons at a time. I believe you can have bound armor/weapons and still summon help.

You can have two if you summon one with a spell you have and one with a scroll. I can't remember if you can have more than that if you summon something different. I'll have to test it.
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Yama Pi
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:34 pm

i thought i read on wiki at soem point that the spell you get from the doors in SI will be leveled to your character at teh point of when SI was installed

why wasnt the orrery added in with teh GOTy edition or actually in the original game to begin with ? that middle door in the mages guild annoys crap out of me!
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:53 am

why does teh wiki have no pictures for a Lich ? what shoudl i do so i can be able to cast the lich summon before im uber high level and get bored of the game again ?
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Michelle Smith
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 10:53 am

why does teh wiki have no pictures for a Lich ? ...

Maybe they were worried that the pictures would be so horrific that the viewers would pull their own heads off.

But I'll take that risk, many liches look something like this:


... what shoudl i do so i can be able to cast the lich summon before im uber high level and get bored of the game again ?

Maybe buy training in conjuration and cast a lot of low level conjuration spells over and over to get to Master level before you are bored?
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Jesus Lopez
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:10 am

Maybe they were worried that the pictures would be so horrific that the viewers would pull their own heads off.

But I'll take that risk, many liches look something like this:


Maybe buy training in conjuration and cast a lot of low level conjuration spells over and over to get to Master level before you are bored?

but how will that help me get the magicka to cast it ?
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Amie Mccubbing
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:17 am

but how will that help me get the magicka to cast it ?

Spell costs go down dramatically as you increase skill levels in that school of magic.

Spell costs are about one fifth as much at skill level 100 than they are at skill level 30
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Charity Hughes
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 5:32 am

Spell costs go down dramatically as you increase skill levels in that school of magic.

Spell costs are about one fifth as much at skill level 100 than they are at skill level 30

how do i get intel points once i reach elvel 100 in conjuration and alchemy and the 3rd skill that just so happens to be a mage talent but forget teh name too cuz i use it once every never ...
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Charlotte Buckley
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:03 pm

That's the only way, If 2 of the 3 are at 100.

You can raise it temporarily, by pots and/or spells, or enchanted equipment. Or become a Vampire.

Sorry, Vamp only increases Str, Spd and Will.
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:56 pm

awesome both a hand to hand and blade trainer can be found in anvil fighters guild!

any tips on how to get the most strength will power and intelligence bonuses in a single level up ? most ive had is 5 str and 4 intell but only got a +2 bonus for will on level up :/ id really liek to get +5 str will and intell in 1 level up
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Breanna Van Dijk
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 8:14 am

awesome both a hand to hand and blade trainer can be found in anvil fighters guild!

any tips on how to get the most strength will power and intelligence bonuses in a single level up ? most ive had is 5 str and 4 intell but only got a +2 bonus for will on level up :/ id really liek to get +5 str will and intell in 1 level up

The easiest way to get the 5-5-5, is to raise 2 Minor skill 10 times. Two that support either Str, Will or Intel, the the last will be raised by the Major skill. Or you could raise all three 10 pts each, by using only Minor skills and the raise any combination of, Major skills. The best way is to write down all your skill levels, as soon as you level up. that way you can keep track of it, and adjust your gameplay accordingly.
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 6:10 pm

The easiest way to get the 5-5-5, is to raise 2 Minor skill 10 times. Two that support either Str, Will or Intel, the the last will be raised by the Major skill. Or you could raise all three 10 pts each, by using only Minor skills and the raise any combination of, Major skills. The best way is to write down all your skill levels, as soon as you level up. that way you can keep track of it, and adjust your gameplay accordingly.

my skills are pure mage which coincedtially theres only 7 so everything that raises will and intel are in my major skills
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Lexy Corpsey
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 4:54 am

If you already have an open spell you can cast, access to spellmaking, and 75+ in alteration skill, just make your own open very hard lock spell. Otherwise go see http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Orintur in the Cheydinhal Mages Guild. He has an open hard lock spell for sale.
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Catharine Krupinski
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 10:42 am

Per my notes made over the years Necromancers can be found at:
Bloodrun Cave
Cadlew Chapel - sometimes Vampires
Dark Fissure Cave
Fingerbowl Cave
Fort Black Boot
Fort Cuptor
Fort Doublecross
Fort Istirus
Fort Linchal
Fort Ontus - MG quest
Fort Teleman
Fort Variela
Garlas Agea
Howling Cave
Kindred Cave
Lost Boy Cave
Moss Rock Cave
Pothole Cave
Underpall Cave
Wellspring Cave
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