I'll try and be vague so as not to spoil anything for anyone i relation to the quest I was on,but after retrieving a certain artefact in a certain ruin,I was set upon by an undead gentleman and his two lackeys.Deciding that discretion was the better part of valour,and in no shape or form because of cowardice,more benevolence on my part, I kindly decided to leave said would be assailants to continue their meagre existence however they saw fit.So after courageously turning invisible,picking a lock and nonchalantly running like the wind out of this certain ruin,it seems the gentlemen in question are unhappy with my borrowing of the previously mentioned artefact and are seeking me out to do me harm.Now I'm a peaceable sort,and when things get violent I prefer to let others do it to someone else,whilst I watch it all from a safe distance with a good view of the action! I'm also a svcker for not letting seemingly innocent folk get butchered on my account.So to the crux of my post,where do you suggest I lure my stalkers so I get to watch a big,bloody entertaining battle,whilst at the same time remaining relatively safe and no passers by get hurt?