#1 - this game has a ton of content, if you do not find it, play it, use it, or whatever - it is your fault, NOT SKYRIM's
#2 - If you know of a better game, then play that one - better yet, share those thoughts with others - "Hey this blows, I would much rather play Angry Birds because..." -
#3 - Don't complain about something without a fix for it -
the game is too short - name a game that is too long
The game is too easy - name one that is too hard
The leveling (censored) - name one that it works
It is easy to act like this game could be better, but honestly, I have had this game since 430PM EST on Thursday 10 November 2011 - I have not finished playing yet - my wife has not finished yet - and the XBOX has been off for maybe 20 hours total - and not in a row - this is NOT because we cannot beat the game, but we do not want to yet - there are no other games out there like SKYRIM, so either get in the game and enjoy, or get off of the pot, because you are (censored) my off!