How do you approach Skyrim?

Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:42 am

There are so many ways to play this game... it is amazing, and sometimes it can be chaotic if you are not prepared or don't handle it in a fun way.

First I would like to say is, RELAX. This is a game, and it is designed for us to have huge ammounts of fun and immersion, it is designed so we can have a new whole life
So, STOP trying to find the ultimate formula, the ultimate kind of how should we play, because the point of this game is not to have it!

You will see that there is nothing more rewarding than discover the things at your own pace, and there is always the reroll option. Just go there and start playing!

So this is not a topic to discuss what is the best thing, just to share how everyone is doing and maybe find things that would be interesting for all of us :)


About my own gameplay;

In oblivion i had the obsession to do all the random minor stuff first, then switch to main stuff, but then i realized that this is a game of discovery, of travels, of freedom, so I started a very realistic gameplay, i tried to swap my character's mind with mine, and then I constantly gamed as a i was living. in the game that meant, do things as a I really wanted to.

I find it very comfortably to do the things by the zones, that means, do all the quests and stuff that i need to in the order of zones, so i don't have to constantly travel all around the world (wich for me seems unrealistic) and instead, stay in one town and do what has to be done

about the character, the same thing. I find it boring to limit yourself, I have a nord warrior that likes to sneak in heavy armor, he likes to shoot with bow, and even sometimes he will burn you just for the fun of it.

Also what i think is really immersive and fun is to have a real life journal to write down the important stuff that u need to remember, really really funny and takes the game to a new level, to your own life xd

Hoping to see some interesting answers!
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Veronica Flores
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:40 am

I make a general character concept including:

1. Major skills
2. General faction alignment
3. General attitude

Then I roll with it.

I do random quests if I feel like it, or the main quest when I feel like it. I usually ignore stuff that I'm not interested in on that character. I tend to complete quests in the same area that are on my "interested in" list.

I use fast travel between dungeons and my home so I can vendor loot quickly.

I have a half dozen different character concepts to play, I'm currently still playing my first. They are:

1. Nordic nord nord with 2h/HA/block/smith NORDPOWER HOOWAH, STORMCLOAK YEAH. [censored] YEAH [censored] THE EMPIRE. Edit: Member of the Companions.

2. Breton mageblade with Conj(boundweap), Alteration, Illusion, 1h (if it applies to Bound Sword, which I assume it does), and probably sneak and Enchanting. Kid likes his swords but his inherent talent is with magic. Dark Brotherhood type, in Skyrim to get away from the crowds. No Empire/Stormcloak affiliation, pending any direction from the Dark Brotherhood. Not a member of the Thieves' Guild. [censored] weakass criminals. They don't appreciate the art. May go with the Mage Guild.

3. Dunmer/Altmer elitist 'battle' mage asshat. Destruction, Alteration, Block. Not sure about LA/HA, probably Enchanting. Burns [censored] to ashes. Not a fan of the weather. Seriously wtf is taking so long stamping down this [censored] backwater rebellion? Sidenote: no really, will use a shield offhand and nuking mainhand just because. Mage guild, not sure how that jives seeing as it's in Stormcloak territory but I'll see. May just give the middle finger to the Mage Guild.

4. Khajit heavy armor gloves, Master of the Dwarven/Orcish/Ebony/Dragon/Daedric Fist. Just because.

5. Cuisinart dual wield pokey pokey. Not sure on style yet. Will probably put more thought into it after I at least play 2 of the above. Will probably be a light armor fighter of some flavor.
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:27 pm

If you need to be told how to play Elder Scrolls you shouldn't play it at all...
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:56 pm

If you need to be told how to play Elder Scrolls you shouldn't play it at all...

I agree, but haven't you seen all the topics asking how to play?
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