For the love of god, bethesda

Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 2:13 pm

The most productive thing about this thread is that the OP managed to beat the forum censor by using "fangirl" instead of "fanboey."


Stop posting here guys. This thread is clearly a troll/scam/trap. So stop topping it.
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Christine Pane
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 12:28 pm

i was calling the general population of this thread fangirls because of how fiercely they attacked me for suggesting that skyrim may have a problem for some players.

We attacked you?

[censored]. People disagreed and said your idea was foolish, and you began flaming them and calling them fangirls. Throwing insults around and taking everything anybody says as an insult. Not only did you not bother to change your idea AT ALL, you said we were brainless fangirls for not agreeing.

Seriously, if you expected to get anywhere with your argument, I'm stunned. I'm beginning to seriously think this is a troll thread.
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Ymani Hood
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 11:24 pm

Right. People disagree with you, so they're obviously zealous female fans. My thirteen year-old cousin could bring up better arguments with his ass.

Why would you provide constructive criticism about a problem you have in a game? I dunno, to try to get it fixed. [censored]ing and whining won't bring Bethesda's eyes forward. You have to establish valid arguments, valid options, and a legit reason to add it. Adding an option to disable an optional function is a redundant, stupid idea. No game developer would seriously consider adding it.

Maybe they would consider adding another option, though. One that makes sense, and would actually work. Such as the difficulty slider being locked in dungeons, in combat, or both. That would easily solve your problem of lack of self-control, without being a ridiculous idea.

So, think up a better argument and you MIGHT get support. But when you demand that an optional thing have an option to be permanently disabled, and then verbally attack anybody who disagrees with you with a volley of insults and hate, you aren't going to get ANY support.

So your defending all the (what i hope they are, and not seriously this arrogant and obnoxious) trolls in this thread, rather than first suggesting "Such as the difficulty slider being locked in dungeons, in combat, or both." which may have actually been helpful to thread given the right context. but yet you still continue to insult me even, though seeing how just about every single person in this thread has insulted me. im SURE all these people have tons of self control. just loads of it spilling out of every pore in their bodies, so much so that they can come into the thread, read a few comments, and the respond likewise, offering no intelligent response to the problem that i (apprently) alone have?
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natalie mccormick
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:59 pm

why the hell is everyone [censored]ing about an option that wouldnt affect them?


if youre playing the game fine , then you dont need to post. but if the option was put in place, would it affect any of you? no, most likely not. people need to grow up on these threads. obviously no one on these forums has any decency to provide any helpful information or suggestions, other than what OP already mentioned.

What? If bethseda would do as you told, you new "options" would affect us very much. I can say, if I cant pass a certain enemy I lower my diffucilty(or run away if outside). And you know what? It doesnt hurt my gaming experience one bit, becuse when Im done with them, I turn my slider up again.
I never use the console to cheat, but I have used it to challange my characters apperance abit.

I have no trouble with that. On the other hand, I do have a trouble with fast travel, and it would perhaps be better for me if that option didnt exist BUT its not about Bethseda, its about me. How can I possible demand that they change something that a majority of the gamers can handle?
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Sun of Sammy
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 1:50 pm

There were times, when I died 5-6 times in a row. You know what I did? I left and came back a bit later when I gained a few levels.
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Judy Lynch
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:35 pm

What? If bethseda would do as you told, you new "options" would affect us very much. I can say, if I cant pass a certain enemy I lower my diffucilty(or run away if outside). And you know what? It doesnt hurt my gaming experience one bit, becuse when Im done with them, I turn my slider up again.
I never use the console to cheat, but I have used it to challange my characters apperance abit.

I have no trouble with that. On the other hand, I do have a trouble with fast travel, and it would perhaps be better for me if that option didnt exist BUT its not about Bethseda, its about me. How can I possible demand that they change something that a majority of the gamers can handle?

did you read the part where i said the option to disable it would be at the beggining of the game?
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Tanika O'Connell
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 7:19 pm

closed for review, edits, deletions, warnings and possibly will stay locked if there is too much flaming.
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Post » Sat Dec 03, 2011 10:41 pm

Ok, too much spam and flaming going on to let this continue.

OP: From my perspective I like the difficulty slider because I enjoy the story and the quests and exploration more than I enjoy the battle and/or combat. Everyone has different desires, different expectations and different opinions of what they want from their game.

I am truly sorry we can't continue the discussion due to some rather rude people in this thread.
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