Ok, so.. skyrim might not be the best ES game to date (though it might just be, running pretty close with morrowind from my current experience) but by the Divines this game makes every other Beth game look like it's weapon and armor designers were hardly talented newbies. Seriously.. I want to know.. are these the same people on board? Is it something to do with the engine? Because, seriously, Skyrim gear makes Morrowind and Oblivion look bad. I always hated Dwarven Armor.. in Morrowind it made you look like a fat robot, in Oblivion it was great until you put on the ludicrous helmet.. now? It's bloody fantastic! Steel armor? Plain ol normal steel armor looks even better than the best steel-ish armor set in ES games to date which is the Bloodmoon Nordic set (imho, of course). And then there's the daedric for which I cannot decide if it looked stupider in Oblivion or Morrowind.. here, again.. I've only seen screens, but bloody fantastic! Leather, hell, even Iron.. I have yet to see Elven but it can hardly be worse than Oblivion's.. Orcish I'm guessing will kick ass too.. weapons, shields.. seriously, I'm just raving here but I need to point out how utterly impressed I am. Can we now please keep these people Beth so that the next ES game in 4 years time or so will also have this level of stunning awesome? Or better yet, bring back all the armor types that disappeared since Morrowind x)