However even though im no where near my next playthrough it constantly comes to mind and it distracts me greatly, so i figure if i decide upon a playstyle i can stop thinking about and finish this damn game.
That being said i have two options set up for myself currently (feel free to suggest new ones)
1. A sneaky khajiit that belongs to the theives guild by day and the dark brotherhood by night.
-specializing in archery more the most part, and uses illusion to be also have a good portion into conjuration to summon a badass magic bow and a daedra to get me out of trouble if i'm spotted.
-teams up with the storm cloaks because khajiit are treated like [censored] by both sides but storm cloaks allow the worship of talos.
2. An argonion Arch-Mage whom learned his skills under the arch mage of the college of winter hold.
-specializing in destruction, enchantment, light armor and smithing.
-wears the scales off a dragons back for armor, and imbues the magic of the best robes into each scale.
-cant decide whether to side with the imperials or stormcloaks. delays the decision if possible.