Is something wrong with the enemies or am I too weak?

Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 6:44 am


I have a little problem. I went to a stronghold that has been overtaken by a certain group (I don't want to say too much) for the companions.

My problem is this:

Outside of the fortress I can kill the enemies without any problems (I am playing on Expert), inside the enemies can kill me (and my flame Atronach) in two hits. (Not all of them but most).

So I am wondering, how can that be? They are the same enemies (at least they have the same name) but I can hardly survive inside the stronghold.

Am I just too weak or is there some problem with level scaling on interior maps?

If I lower the difficulty to Adept I can survive but the big contrast in enemy "dangerousness" makes me wonder.
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Post » Sun Dec 04, 2011 7:12 pm

I think you aren't ready yet. Those inside the instance scale differently than those in the wild, even if they look the same.
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Claire Mclaughlin
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Post » Mon Dec 05, 2011 4:17 am

Ah good... I guess I shouldn't have saved just before one of those really difficult guys attacks me... Wonder if I can run away fast enough :)
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Riky Carrasco
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