Your character's backstory.

Post » Sun Dec 04, 2011 5:10 pm

Mines a bit long (had a few dozen hours of playtime to think it through ;) ) My guy is a Nord warrior named Saeneas Blackmane, born 4E 182 born under the sign of the warrior. Yes, in my world we still have birthsigns. Guardian Stones are stupid.

Born Saeneas Carvain, he grew up a carefree life as the son of the Count of Bruma. His family claims that they are the direct descendant of the Champion of Cyrodiil and Narina Carvain, but scholars question the credibility of such a legend due to the facts there was only a short "resting period" between when the Champion saved Cyrodiil and when he disappeared from Nirn and nobody ever claimed parentage for Narina's illegitimate son. Saeneas' own father fought in the Great War against the Dominion, gaining fame through his ruthless tactics during the Battle of the Red Ring. This only inspired Saeneas to become stronger and prove himself worthy of his position of power. For this reason he constantly frequented the Great Temple of Talos praying for the strength to live up to his family's supposed legacy. Despite the harsh living conditions of Bruma, Saeneas enjoyed the luxuries of nobility and received a formal education both in martial virtues and little bits of magic in the Destructive and Restorative schools. The young Nord would spend what little free time he had in the forests surrounding Bruma hunting wild game and challenging himself against the beasts of the forest.

Eventually he would grow up to be the pride of the town, known for his honor, courage, and piety towards Talos. Eventually talk of his piety reached the Dominion and they sent assassins to kill the him and his family during the night. The assassins barred the doors and windows of the Count's manor and set the house alight, burning both the Count and Countess and making the incident appear as a common house fire. Saeneas, who was at the Temple of Talos at the time, saw the fire through a window and rushed to give assistance alongside the townsfolk. The assassins, who were unaware that Saeneas wasn't home at the time, spotted him during the commotion and charged to attack him. The townsfolk of Bruma saw the elves with weapons brandished charging towards the son of the Count and moved to interfere, yelling towards Saeneas to escape to the north towards Skyrim. The Nord fled to the forest, losing both his pursuers and his sense of direction as he ran north. After a few hours he emerged from the woods, right into an Imperial ambush...

Despite being primarily Nord, Saeneas' Imperial upbringing is obvious to all. Unlike his fellow Nords his keeps his hair cut short and a nice, neatly trimmed black beard. He speaks with charm and understanding alien to Nordic people, preferring to persuade or, if necessary, intimidate his way out of confrontations rather than fighting. Perhaps his greatest oddity is his interest in magic, which confuses many of his fellow Nords, especially his wife Aela the Huntress. He constantly has to repeat himself that he only uses magic for utility purposes (Illusion, Alteration, Restoration) preferring to remain true to his martial teachings with the sword and shield. Saeneas views his powers as a Dragonborn as a gift from Talos to enact retribution on the elves who conquered his empire and banned his worship. Saeneas fully intends to unite what remains of Skyrim and the Empire, then repeat history by having a Dragonborn Nord march south with an army and his Companions intent on conquering all of Tamriel and ensuring the continued domination of makind. Only this time, he has no intentions of taking prisoners. The elves will die.

After the incident at Bruma Saeneas discarded his surname, knowing it would make him a target for further assassination attempts. Blackmane isn't a name, but rather a nickname Aela gave him due to his werewolf transformation's black mane. It simply caught on. :hubbahubba: Right now Saeneas is the Harbinger of the Companions, Archmage of the College of Winterhold, and most importantly Legate in the Imperial Army. His secret as a werewolf is known only to the Companions, who gave him a home when he lost everything.
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